December 22

6 Months Post Detox

My personal 6 month journey - post detox! Ugh - gonna get a little vulnerable here with all of you.

I knew I really wanted a change, I knew I really had to stop allowing my excuses to get in the way. Here is my personal results with our detox; and the magic that happened after the detox was done. I am constantly telling everyone, the detox shows us which foods are causing inflammation in our body, causing us to gain weight and just making us feel yuck. So after the 21 day detox is done, if you incorporate the changes you know you need too...real results will happen. Its about a lifestyle change, not a diet, not calorie restriction - its real change.

Measurements. Detox StartDetox Finish6 Months LaterLost
Waist to Hip Ratio0.50.460.430.07
June 2018 Left, December 2018 Right
June 2018 Left, December 2018 Right

This process isn't about living in the normal, its about resetting your hormones and living optimally. Yes, I about said no when I realized I would have to give up my coffee, my half and half and my sweetener in my coffee. I also was a diet coke fan - eeekkk...I know awful.

But, in the end I made some big changes that I stuck with and feel FABULOUS! The big changes for me: thank goodness caffeine isn't an issue, I added it back in the first day after the detox ended 6/30/19. What I did change is what goes in my coffee - almond milk! So here are the things I removed, as they personally don't work for me.

  • Corn
  • Milk, 1/2 and 1/2, heavy cream - the occasional cheese is ok, but when I do have it, its organic
  • Coconut oil (discovered I'm allergic) - luckily I can do coconut milk and the coconut meat
  • Most all grains - instead we have cauliflower rice/regular rice combo, all kinds of potatoes, legumes and gluten free pastas with dinner.
  • Flour - replaced it with almond flour, with the exception of once per week with my home-made pizza. I don't have any issues with wheat, but eaten regularly they make me gain belly fat
  • All artificial sweeteners are out! We regularly use monk fruit, stevia and coconut sugar.
  • Swapped out almost all of our meat for pasture raised organic - eggs, chicken, turkey. And rarely eat read meat and pork.

I've added lots of good fat and following my DNA nutrition plan. 40% carbohydrates (mainly in the form of veggies - I still do my 7 cups daily), 30% protein, and 30% fat.

I am so happy I took this journey and made all these changes!


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