December 16

Our Beliefs at Strength & Grace

  1. Kindness always rules. You have two options in every situation - to handle it with strength and grace or get mad/irritated. We choose strength and grace.
  2. We’re passionate about health and wellness. We truly believe that when you get healthier your life dramatically changes and you can make your dreams a reality.
  3. We’re going to push you, challenge you, and ask you to step out of your comfort zone in order to see real change.
  4. We will not chase you! When we say - check in weekly for the best results, it’s because consistency and showing up will get you results - every time! Hiding or blaming us for not chasing you WILL not.
  5. This is our business; we do this for a living. As a non-paying client please understand we give our advice and time whole heartedly and so much for free, but to experience all we have to offer - you’ll need our paid for program. Customization and learning from what we have to teach you is where the real magic happens.
  6. We aren’t for everyone! We totally get that and are ok with it. If you’ve decided we’re not the right fit, let’s chat about it (don’t just disappear and bad mouth us), we’re always looking for how we can improve. And when you move on, we will happily cheer you on and wish the absolute best for you.
  7. We ❤️ and encourage our team groups/chats. Please respect all team members and remember that everyone has different goals and different life stories. 
  8. Remember what you learned in kindergarten ? ? - if you can’t say anything nice, then don’t say anything at all.
  9. We welcome constructive feedback.  As 1000% type A women, we always want to strive for the best in all we do. Just remember #8, if it’s constructive - #bringiton - if it’s not - then see #6 again.

We are and always will be bodybuilders! It’s how we got started back in 2006. We promote NPC national shows through Strength & Grace Promotions and educate brand new competitors with our So You Want to Compete platform. This does not mean we will make you a bodybuilder? not unless you ask us too!

Curious about our qualifications - you can check them out here


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