Ugh, do you ever wake up in the morning and think…oh, I had the worst dream ever, we were in this worldwide pandemic where I hadn’t seen my friends, family or the inside of a gym in months, only to realize it wasn’t a dream.
I am going to take a moment and just be real with you…and say, I am so grateful that my best friend and business partner is Stacia.
You see…I am an extrovert to my core, and being in the middle of a pandemic where we stay at home I am not seeing people face to face. Normally, I can’t sit still long enough to relax ever, unless I am sleeping. True story – just ask my husband or my mother. When I visit Stacia (heavy sigh…I miss traveling to Virginia) she would call me the energizer bunny and say she needed to rest before I got there because I was going to make her go to #alltheplaces and then take a day to recover.
I am grateful that I am this way, because it helps me get so much stuff done. However, it can also lead to severe overwhelm, anxiety and if I am being really honest - depression. I’ve found over the past 4 months I have my good days – seeing my kids and husband ALL THE TIME is a good thing and then there are the moments when I do this…
- Cry
- Scream
- Ask why did this happen???
- Ask will it ever be normal again?
- Can we financially weather this storm?
- And I desperately want to find someone to blame the pandemic on; cause somehow that would make it better?
The good news… I have survived, and in the end, I am a stronger person, and this is why….
Garage Gyms ROCK!
Being that I have always been in the fitness industry I was lucky to have the knowledge to transform my garage into a gym. It has everything I need to get a good hard workout in. In my personal fitness, I have been super disciplined – getting up at 5:30/6:00am, 6 days a week, pushing myself out of my comfort zone (hello HIIT) and creating a new habit. Alarm goes off – 5,4,3,2,1 workout clothes go on (thank you Mel Robbins for this tool). Even on Sunday, the workout clothes go on and I take my Shepherd / Husky for a walk. Remember…I can’t sit still or sleep in…eek!
There is no better time to focus on learning how to cook than when you are ordered to stay at home. Pair that with running a nutrition business and your recipes all the sudden become something you look forward to creating at the end of a long day. Yes, there are sweets in there too….because unlike Stacia, who I am secretly jealous of…ok, maybe really actually jealous of the fact that she has no sweet tooth, I have one that won’t go away.
Keeping a schedule
Yep, staying on a schedule in the chaos of it all has keep me mostly sane. I get up and workout, then we do breakfast, dog walk and start school/work. There are lunch breaks, snack breaks, outdoor breaks and even exercise with my kids in the afternoon. If you ever feel like you are totally out of control of your schedule, your work or never have enough down time…then you need to create a schedule. I fought doing this in all areas of my life for so many years, but I’m glad I finally did it, cause it works! Until we are back to whatever normal might look like, I’ll keep working on helping you and me build our best life possible with our healthiest bodies. Regardless of what anyone might say, we are all in this pandemic together, as one human race. So be kind to your neighbor, you have no idea what they are personally going through right now.
And if you'd like to chat join us in our private group or schedule a call with us!
fitness, mental health, nutrition, pandemic
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