June 23

Reunited…with the Gym

It hasn't really been a secret, especially if you haven't seen me at my regular gym in the last year or so. I mentioned in a previous training post that I'd lost my mojo with the gym awhile ago and switched over to swimming...then the "Stay at Home" orders took effect and I didn't have to go anywhere.

So, of course, that's when I started to WANT to go somewhere. It actually took about two months for that to kick in. I'm a natural introvert. I'm quite content to be home.

As restrictions started to lift in Northern Virginia, and we'd been hosting weekly webinars for our So You Want to Compete program...I'd begun chatting with a local friend about the Wellness Division that's starting in the NPC, and how I'm intrigued by their training regime, doing leg workouts up to six days a week. Surprise! She was intrigued as well.

Venturing back into the gym has been amazing. We've been taking it light, but doing legs more than I've ever done them before. My hips aren't screaming at me...everything is lightly sore. We're doing 3 days on (all Legs), one day Off, 2 days on, Yoga and then repeat. And stretching every change we get. At least, that's what the plan is currently.

Where I'd been dreading going to the gym, now I'm up and out the door around 6:30am so that I can get the workout in and then get back to my desk. I think it helps that I've changed gyms. (We had to go where the variety of equipment was to actually do Legs up to 6 days a week.)

The gym is clean. There are sanitation wipes everywhere, and more importantly, everyone is using them. And, as early as we go, there might be six other people in there at the same time?

If you want to chat about getting back to some sort of workout plan, schedule time to chat! That's what we're here for!

Photo of the Shop Gym

Workouts have been intense:

  • Sunday - Full Leg Day
  • Monday - Quads
  • Tues - Hamstrings and Glutes
  • Wed - Off
  • Thurs - Upper Body
  • Fri - Full Leg Day
  • Sat - Yoga

We'll be changing it up each week as we feel the need and as schedules determine. I do recommend if you're going to try a new split with a heavier focus on your legs...go light the first week to figure out your pacing.

And, one of the coolest things at this gym? The adorable furbabies!

Photo by Skylar Lanier of Nico and Lily


fitness, gym, motivation, training

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