August 7

Why you should brush your skin…

Dry brushing is exactly what it sounds like… brushing the skin in a particular pattern with a dry brush, usually before showering.  

It's most commonly known to provide lymphatic support, but the benefits go beyond.  And, rest assured, Stacia has been using it and recommending it for years, and Corry began it after doing our 21 day detox.

Side note: While we love the process there are no specific scientific studies that support or deny the benefits that many claim from dry brushing. What most people hear and hope for is the cure for cellulite*.  If only that was really the case! (See below we will say why many claim it helps.) 

Dermatologists do believe that brushing the skin does have exfoliating benefits which may be similar to massage.  Massage has been well documented to show its benefits of detoxification.

The Benefits:

1. Lymphatic System

Our lymphatic system is responsible for eliminating cellular waste products. When our lymphatic system is not working properly, waste and toxins can build up and make you sick. Lymphatic congestion is a major factor leading to inflammation and disease. Brushing is believed to stimulate our lymphatic system and helping it pump toxins out of our body.

2. Exfoliation 

Dry skin brushing removes dead dry skin which can clear clogged pores and allow our skin to breathe.

3. Increase Circulation

Brushing the skin increase circulation, and when things are moving, everything works better.

4. Reduce Cellulite*

People claim this for two reasons:

  • Dry brushing may break down hard fat deposits underneath the skin
  • Toxins are believed to break down the connective tissue underneath the skin that allows cellulite to show  

5. Natural Energy Boost

Increasing circulation and getting the body moving always feels great.  Pumping toxins out of your body makes you feel better.  Watch out, dry brushing can become additive and in a good way.

Here’s How to Dry Brush the Skin:

  1. Dry skin brushing should be done daily for best results. Brushing before your shower is a great new habit and it takes less than 5 minutes.  Avoid doing it before bed, as it may leave you full of energy.
  1. Don’t brush too hard…it should feel good and not like its scraping the skin
  2. When brushing, always brush toward your heart, which is best for circulation and your lymphatic system. Start at your feet and work your way up your legs to your hips, stomach, back, chest and arms.  Remember to brush towards you heart.
  3. Avoid brushing sensitive areas.

Recommended brush

We simply love this brush

Replace the brush every 6-12 months as the bristles will eventually wear out.  Wash the brush with a natural cleanser every 1-2 weeks to remove the dead skin cells. Be sure not to ever use this brush wet.

What Is the 21 Day Detox?

Reset your energy levels, lose some weight and really learn what you body loves and hates for fuel.


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