April 6

100 Day Challenge

Confession time….yes, Corry needs to share why she is doing a 100 Day Challenge!  After interviewing Stacia and getting all the details about what she did (to lose 50 fricken pounds), it made me look at what I am doing and ask myself, what can I do better to improve my health.

See…after reading Life Force, by Tony Robbins, I have been on a journey to really figure out what I can do to keep myself healthy and on the road to aging gracefully (cause you know that’s what we all want…ok, well, to legit fight that aging crap). I have my Oura ring, my Apple watch, my Peloton…you get it…I am focusing on #allthethings…

I’ve been honest with everyone and just like so many of our clients I am in peri-meno HELL!  Sorry men reading this…we’re giving you a bit of a warning.

If you’ve been here long enough you know I’ve always had a major sweet tooth.  Stacia and I would go out to celebrate post show / post event, she would have a drink and I would get some chocolatey gooey dessert.

Always, Never and Treat

Well…lets just say that sugar and I have a not so amazing relationship.  We talk about in our hormone solution program that we have

Always foods

Never foods

and then our Treat foods. 

See…I was letting dessert be my “treat” food (aka Donuts most recently).

Call me crazy or a bit insane, but after reading Wake Up by Lindsay Teague Moreno I decided I would try the “WakeUp One Hundred Day Challenge” where every single day for the next 100 days I (you) do something.  Seriously if you want to laugh and cry – read or listen (I do Audible) the book.

100 Day Challenge without Regular Dessert!

So here it goes…I am giving up all desserts and treats with sugar that are not our detox approved options!  EEK…you read that right…and lets just say, in this first week I have been so challenged…but you know what I haven’t been – the evil green monster that comes out when I have dessert.  All my other peri-menopause symptoms have sucked too, and that’s because I am detoxing my body.

This ain’t going to be easy, but I tell you all, every day, give up those things you know you need to, to live your very best life.  And I am legit checking in with Stacia almost daily to ensure I stay the course.

If you have anything you need our help with, for 100 days (give up or it could be you need to add something), that will allow you to make significant changes to your health…reach our please!

With all my love and respect for you!


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Control Your Food Cravings
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