December 3

12 Days of Christmas Abs

The 12 Days of Christmas – ABS #1
*Special Program dedicated to the 12 Days of Christmas...

  1. Plank hold for 30 seconds
  2. Hallow hold sit-up
  3. Hip lift up
  4. Alternating Side V-sits
  5. Legs straight crunch
  6. Knees to elbows
  7. Crossed Arms and Legs crunch
  8. Basic crunch with feet up
  9. Bicycle crunch
  10. Alternating oblique crunch
  11. Reverse crunch
  12. Full sit -ups

Directions - this is done just like the 12 Days of Christmas, start with #1 and do it one time as said, then add #2.  Do two hollow hold sit-ups, followed by the 30 second plank.  Then add 3 reps of the hip lift, 2 hallow hold sit-ups and one plank for 30 seconds.  Follow all the way through to 12.  Best when done to the actual 12 days of Christmas song


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