June 10

BBQ Do’s and Dont’s

It’s BBQ time – so what do you eat and what don’t you eat? Here are a few tips.

The Do’s

  1. Hit the gym before your BBQ
  2. Enjoy your lean proteins! Steak, chicken, burgers and hot dogs.
  3. Fill up on veggies
  4. Bring a #detoxapproved dessert to be shared. Secret tip: if you don’t tell anyone they are healthy, they will never know.
  5. Drink wisely – check out our favorite drinks and have a bottle of water or can of sparkling water in your hand to keep you from snacking on calorie loaded foods.

The Dont’s

  1. Go to the BBQ starving or having skipped meals earlier in the day
  2. Fill up on chips
  3. Drown your veggies in dip
  4. Have a bun with your protein – instead, enjoy a side dish with carbs – potato salad, baked beans, corn on the cob
  5. Fill up on liquid calories


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