Beef – it’s what’s for dinner in our house at least 3-4 times per month, which averages to once per week. And yes, we know, when you go through either our 21 Day Detox or our Hormone Solution we remove beef immediately! So….

What’s all the beef about?

Beef that is raised the way it was meant to be – on an open farm with grass to enjoy tastes very different and is one of the most nutrient dense proteins you can eat. At 5.25 grams of protein per ounce it also contains vitamins, A, D and B12 along with high levels or iron, zinc, magnesium and potassium.

Grass fed beef also contains one of the highest amounts of naturally occurring CLA (conjugated linolenic acid, which is the only trans fat than has an anti-inflammatory response on your body and can actually reduce that chance of having a heart attack. (Plus – haven’t you seen all the adds about what CLA can do for your personal waistline?)

Why Grass Fed Beef and Not Just Organic?

Grass fed, and grass finished beef are the key. When the beef you are eating is not raised and finished this way, it means somewhere along the process they were fed corn or soybeans. We know from all our research that corn is one of the most commonly over-processed foods, regardless if it grows in a regular field or an organic field. It can cause inflammation in many humans as well as livestock.

Additionally, look for farms that don’t use antibiotics or growth hormones. Those pass through the meat and end up in our system which can cause potential issues for many.

Check out all the “Beef” recipes on our site here!

Does this go for dairy too?

Yes! All those same things we referenced above about beef pertain to dairy. However, in addition to the protein, many forms of dairy also have lactose, which for some is highly inflammatory. In the end, its all about the best quality of beef and removing commercially raised, hormone laden, antibiotic rich, corn fed beef from your staple diet.

So where do we get our beef?

Local farms or by ordering online. Our current favorite is Butcher Box!


beef, gluten free, grain free, sugar free

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