April 13

Do this to lose fat…

Want to lose fat? Do this one tip before drinking your morning coffee!

Yes, I am guilty of it too, or I was until I learned this one tip…you must do this before drinking your coffee, your tea or anything other than water!  What is this one tip? Drink 8-24 ounces of water…FIRST!  Yes, first thing when you get out of bed – drink water!

95% of our clients reach out because they want to lose weight.  And while we seriously wish there was one magic-pill we could give you, that would cause you to lose all the weight you want, there isn’t.  However, there is one liquid that comes pretty close to being magic – WATER!

ABC News Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Jen Ashton says that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.  Just being a little dehydrated causes you too:

  • Be fatigued
  • Have brain fog
  • Be irritable
  • Have a decreased metabolism
  • AND…retain water

Shawn Stevenson in his book “Eat Smarter” promotes an inner bath to replenish lost fluids during the night while sleeping.  Additionally, when you are sleeping your body is in repair mode, removing toxins from the day’s activities, and drinking water first thing in the morning flushes out these toxins.  Sorry – but your coffee isn’t going to do that.

The main reason why we want you drinking water first – staying hydrated boosts your metabolism.

So how much water should you be drinking?  There are SO many recommendations out there. Here is our simple solution – drink half your body weight in ounces.  So, if you weigh 150 pounds, aim for drinking 75 ounces of water per day.  SIMPLE!  Now go grab some water and drink it before your coffee in the morning!

…Not sure how to get all that water in?  Drink 8-10 ounces when you wake up, another 8-10 ounces with each meal and more while working out.


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