March 18

Earthing you remember when you used to run barefoot all the time in the grass as a kid? Or maybe on the sidewalk playing with friends? When was the last time you took your shoes off and walked in the grass?

On the beach, it's a no brainer. Who wants sand in their shoes? That's definitely one of the things I've missed this past year. Being barefoot on the sand. Our fancy running shoes are great, but they're rubber soles and keeping us disconnected from the earth.

The earth provides us food, shelter and water, but did you know it also provides us with something very special? Electrons. Studies are starting to show that through grounding, or earthing, the natural defenses of the body can start to be restored.

The Earth is like a gigantic battery that contains a natural, subtle electrical charge—a special kind of energy present in the ground. ~From

Benefits of Grounding

Most research has been studying the effects on inflammation, cardiovascular disease, muscle damage, chronic pain and moods. Need to sleep better? Take a 30 minute barefoot walk. Feeling disconnected from life? Go out and go barefoot.

NIH published a study in 2004 showing the effect of grounding and lowering of cortisol levels over a period of 8 weeks. Their results showed that grounding the human body during sleep reduced cortisol levels during the night and helped the subjects get back in alignment with more natural circadian rhythms.

Types of Grounding

  • Walking Barefoot - walk on grass, sand, soil, concrete or even mud
  • Lying on the ground - best done a a beautiful patch of grass or sand
  • Wading into a clear lake or the ocean
  • Installing a rock/pebble floor in your shower
  • Get grounding equipment like mats, sheets, blankets, socks, etc.


As always, be careful! Remain alert of your surroundings if you're outside. If you're using indoor equipment, double check the directions to avoid electric shock. In some cases, grounding can initially cause fatigue, nausea and fever. This is simply an inflammatory response as bacteria die off in your body. They will eventually clear as your body flushes the inflammation. Your face may even turn a little pink as the blood flow increases in your face. This is a good sign!

Get Outside!

Take 30 minutes and find a beautiful outdoor space this weekend. Take off your shoes and walk. Feel the earth beneath your feet. Let the fresh air rejuvenate you. Leave the electronics behind or at least not in your hand. Reconnect. Want to learn more? There's a great book on Amazon: Earthing. And, if you can't get outside, you can always trying something like a Grounding Mat for indoor use.

And, don't forget to journal about the process! Check out our post on journaling.


stress management

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