June 16

Episode 6: S&G 4 Week Transformation

Hey guys, Stacia Kelly here with Corry Matthews, and you are back at the Strength and Grace podcast. Today we are talking about our Four Week Transformation Program that we have been putting in a lot of time and effort for to make it so that you guys can download the entire program and do it on your own.
I think the big thing is, is that, you know, there’s been so many people over the years that have really wanted to work with. And we really wanted to put something together. And this is really for those that are choosing to start, restart or continue your health and wellness journey. So, we understand that there’s so many stress and challenges to keep up with a healthy lifestyle. And, you know, maybe you can’t afford the one on one coaching, maybe you are a coach yourself. So, you just want a program to follow. And so basically, what we’ve done is taken the 20 plus years that each of us have that we’ve been working with individuals and put it together in a four-week program.
The four-week program has got the really neat thing is as we’ve put the best of everything in it. I so excited about how it turned out in terms of you know, there’s the measurements, there’s the mindset reset, to kind of just really get you where you want to be. It focuses on nutrition, it’s got training, it’s got everything in it that you possibly could want to do for four weeks. It’s kind of like a reset, and just getting you really where you want to be. It’s for men and women. So, it’s building other open so you have plans for each. Yeah, and it’s just, I’m really excited about how it came together. It’s got recipes, it’s got ideas for, you know, swaps. It’s got our 35 best foods that we have grown to love over the years in terms of really making you feel good when you eat them.
It’s also got the link so that you can find more of the recipes on the blog.
I think we’re gonna let you participate in the fitness group. Is that right?
Yep. So that you can have a little bit more of accountability and interaction with some people who might be in the same journey or maybe a little bit further along than you are. So, it’s kind of neat. Part of the preface of this is I found another I’m always researching programs, and I know Corry has to and this was just one of those times where I just found it and was like, okay, we need to do this and get it put on paper, or in PDF or electronic, whatever makes it easier for you guys, so that you guys could download it and run with it because sometimes things happen where you have a hiccup and you’re like oh, but I fell off the program. Well, this makes it easy to go right back on it. Because you have the document to go with it and to follow.
That’s what I like about it. And it’s really for any fitness level, wherever you’re starting, you can modify the exercises or you can make them harder. It’s just it’s really easy, simple, all cut together in one package.
You know, I’m trying to think of some of the differences in terms of why we did certain things the way we did, but I think it’s, it boils down to the fact that you know, Stacia and I are moms. So, we had parents in mind. She and I both work from home, but we have a very busy work schedule. So, we had that in mind when we designed the plan.
We both like to work out, but sometimes we don’t always get to get to the gym as many times as we’d like to do. So, we wanted a plan that it would work with whether it was a summer schedule was a holiday schedule. The kids were in school, you know, you could only find time at 5am in the morning. It’s really is flexible and also fit anyone that’s looking for whatever it may be, just to give them that jumpstart that they need to get going, and to really make a change.
I’m also excited about the abdominals part that was put in there. Many of you know that over the years, I’ve always said, you know, with ABS that, you know, it’s people will say, you know, oh, this core training and now we’ve got this new core training and stuff and it all boils down to understanding the anatomy of the depth of the dominoes. So, if you know the function of the abdominals, you know what they’re supposed to do, you can understand how to train them. And so you get that little bit in there that talks about exactly how do you train the abdominals with our specific exercises to you know, make them flat or maybe you want those abs to pop and so you’ve got all that information in there along with what do you need to eat to make those abdominal show?
I’m excited about the grocery list and the exchanges that makes it so easy when you’re out and about that you can actually take this with you and be counted out at a lunch and go Okay, well I need this, this and this and be okay at a restaurant and it’s got real food again, real food that you can eat, there’s no, you know, you’ve got to have this diet meal plan or whatever. It’s all real food. And you get to pick and choose your favorite vegetables and your favorite fruits and we give you recommendations for which are, which are the best ones that you can choose? And how are the best results? And how much so you can make those decisions on your own while you’re out and about.
A nice thing was I took snapshots of each of the pages and put them my phone. So that if I’m out and about and I want to look at the plan and go, Okay, well, it’s lunchtime, and I can have these kind of things. These are my exchanges, okay, looking easy enough to pull off the menu, wherever we are, makes it really, really nice.
And there’s some testimonials in their part of the group being part of the group, you’ll get a lot of the other transformation clients who have already gone through programs with us not particularly may not be this specific program, but it’s a similar one. So, you can always ask them questions and get feedback. It’s also kind of cool to post up. Hey, I’m going out for a hike this weekend, if you find somebody local, who wants to go with you.
Those kinds of things make it much easier for the accountability in case you don’t have that kind of support at home. Because a lot of people don’t one person, the household makes a decision to make a change. And then they have to accommodate the rest of the household too. So, we understand that part as well.
And I think that’s pretty much summarizes all of it. So, if you guys want more information, head over to strengthen grace.org. Click on Get Started or transformation and/or you can send us an email at strengthandgracefitness@gmail.com and ask about the program. We are happy to send you the information, and you can click on the links and download it for yourself.
Until next time, we hope you have a great day and get a great workout in.
Thank you for listening to the Strength and Grace Podcast.


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