June 20

Episode 7: The Hormone Reset Continued

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Stacia: Hey guys, it’s once again time and welcome to the Corry & Stacia Show. Yes, that is a change from the original, what five (edit: six) episodes we had now? I think so. Welcome to the change, and this is going to be us talking about everything show related, health related, nutrition related, fitness related… what else Corry, life? Yeah, I mean anything that you think of you guys are going to get it probably raw and unedited because I just have that much stuff to do. And recording and getting it posted is about the extent of my patience. And, I don’t think that has anything to do with our detox program. I don’t know about you, Corry?
Corry: No, I think it’s the fact that we are full on you know, last year, we considered not doing a second show or middle show. We call it our July show, or our second show, right? We decided we weren’t going to do it because it just wasn’t gonna happen. And then we got a really awesome opportunity that fell into our laps, and we had to take it. So, in the midst of vacation, go to the beach and all the summer camps…we’ve decided, let’s do a hormone reset. And you know, let’s share it with everybody and see what happens and do another show
Stacia:  All at the same time. Yes, and travel.
Corry: The world like in 1,000% summer vacation. What do we do with the kids really work and show mode and…
Stacia: …and all the technology gremlins because not only do I have to deal with the website stuff, I was trying to help Brandon get all his stuff set up for school, because he’s doing summer school for English.
Corry:  Of course, my girls are using my computer for a program that they need to do just as a refresher over the summer.
Stacia: We need a few more pieces of technology in the household. Yes, I know. And I think I have another laptop arriving later in the week for something else. This week, we are talking about our next phase of our detox that we have been going through in order to get ready to start sharing it with you guys. And probably a few show things other than just you know our regular introduction. We are in week two. What day are we on eight?
Corry: We’re on day 10. Because I know exactly what day number 10 is.
Stacia: and day number 10 is…
Corry: Caffeine free. And I am officially caffeine free as of yesterday, and oh my god has this sucked.
Stacia: You were fussing about it and I’m like yeah, I remember the original. I was addicted to Dr. Pepper, way back when and now that was before competing. And it took me seven days to get over the headaches. How long did it take you?
Corry: This? I mean, the headaches. I think yesterday was the first day that I didn’t have a headache. And as soon as we started this, so we started this 10 days ago. As soon as we started this program, I said oh my gosh, I mean, I looked through the whole thing. You know, both I got the audible book, I printed out the enhancement that goes with it. And I started looking through and I’m like, okay, meatless Okay, sugar free. Okay, fruit free, caffeine free crap. I’m like, I was like I better change stuff. Because I was doing a thermogenic in the morning. As everybody knows, I own a sports nutrition store. I was so excited because I’d finally been able to drink our Emerge drink. I haven’t been able to drink the Emerge because the L-Carnitine caused me problems.
Stacia: I didn’t know that was the reason why you couldn’t have it.
Corry: Yeah, that was why I couldn’t have it. But I love the extra fiber from it. I loved the caffeine boost in it. So it’s having that and then of course, they’re great. I mean, I will probably never have it again, if I stay following up. I know, you were things out of our reset. But so, I was having that. And then I was having my cup of coffee religiously in the morning. And then I always had a cup of coffee in the afternoon. And it was whether it was made at home, it was a Starbucks cold brew from you know, the refrigerator, or I love to take my dog to the dog park. Everybody that’s there…It’s all about their dogs. And it’s a de stress from work and kids. And so I would always Starbucks is on the way, pumping that mobile order, go grab my Starbucks and go. And so I was literally having probably 750 milligrams of caffeine at least a day. Oh, wow. It wasn’t just my cup of coffee. No, I started looking at it going, Oh, my goodness, what am I going to do?

Stacia: Thought it was less. I thought you were having less caffeine, because I only have my green tea and/or a sugar free energy drink.
Corry: However, I will say and you know, I really think that once this is done, I will put my one cup of coffee back in. But what I will probably get rid of is any kind of thermogenics with the caffeine, I’ll look towards the afternoon caffeine. But I also know, this is one that’s really cool Stacia and I’ve also both done all of our DNA genetic testing to find out what our genetics say. I’m in the part of the book, I’m always two sections ahead of the book. I’m reading the whole dairy free section.

Stacia: I read everything already.
Corry: Well, I didn’t, I kind of broke it up. I read the entire enhancement, but I wanted to go right before I’m going to go into the next section right through it in depth. I’m a little bit ahead and going into the dairy free one. And it’s so interesting, because listening to the dairy stuff, it’s talking about, and I would have never even thought about that I think about allergies of milk, right? You don’t think about there’s the casein allergy, there’s the whey allergy, there’s the lactose allergy. It’s so interesting. I know Stacia does all this because she’s like, listened to all of them.
Stacia: They’re called food sensitivities. And I’m doing that with air quotes, guys. Because when we did the food sensitivity test, anything over two is sensitive. And my milk sensitivity is a 71. Yeah, I can tell right away.
Corry: I don’t think in the end of this, I think I’ve already got in my mind, I know exactly which ones are going to be the triggers for me. And it’ll be interesting following this out. But I know for me, it’s the sugar free. I was already I don’t I don’t do you know when it talked about. What we’ve gone through – the first one was meatless – that was meatless and alcohol. I don’t drink alcohol. So, for me it was meatless, but we’ve done meatless, which was all red meat. And I also included all pork.
Stacia: I just edited everything except fish. I haven’t had anything but fish since we started.
Corry: And I can’t have fish. I’m allergic to any kind of regular fish. I can have shellfish, but I can’t have fish and shellfish. We literally we are perfect pair – what she can’t have, I can have and vice versa. I kept free range chicken and eggs because those worked for me.

Stacia: I kept the eggs and fish.
Corry: That was meatless and then three days after that, we wanted to start sugar free. And it’s really funny. And I’m going to just I’m going to say your name, Michelle, because I love you. And there were a couple other of you that just pointed out, you’re like, hey, it’s really easy. Just read the labels. And you know, it’s really interesting, if you have a background in health and nutrition, it is really easy to read the labels, it’s really easy to read the labels and look at Oh, it’s got artificial sweetener in it. But the difference here is it wasn’t just artificial stuff. It was all of it sugar, it was all of it –  all sugar and all artificial sweeteners. And for most people, you know, if you look at us, and you think okay, you know. And, you know, this isn’t an issue for Stacia, because she went through this a long time ago. But for me, you know, I preach all the time about health and fitness and nutrition. But when I got here, it was a reality check of like, kick me in the gut as to how much stuff I allow in my diet that has sugar, or has an artificial sweetener.
Stacia: and they’re hidden sometimes, because you have to look because I was even looking different soy sauce labels. One will have sugar, several don’t. But if you don’t think about it, you just grab whatever you like, Oh, it’s a good it’s a health food. Let me grab it. And you don’t actually flip it over and read the label and look for the any of the sweeteners. It can be any of the whatever hundreds of them that they have different names for. I finally found one that didn’t have a sugar substitute in a soy sauce. It didn’t have sugars. And I was like Finally, okay, this is awesome. I can keep that in in the rotation. And the same thing is you don’t think it’s hidden in your mayonnaise or your vegan mayonnaise, things like that.
Corry: It’s fascinating looking at everything. I was looking at my protein powder, and it had an artificial sweetener in it. The sugar free coffee creamer that I liked, had an artificial sweetener in it. I was looking at the salad dressing that I liked it – it was oil and vinegar based, but it had a sugar and I mean, just every single thing I was looking at. For me, and I think that it was a double whammy in terms of the removing all the sugar, artificial sugar, and all the caffeine because I wanted to wean myself off caffeine and there were a couple days the migraine was intense,
I was like, I don’t know that I’m gonna do it. I don’t know that I can do this. But my whole goal was I knew I needed I couldn’t go cold turkey off of caffeine. The sugar I went cold turkey off of, but the caffeine I knew I couldn’t do. It was really interesting because last night, I made myself for my family this really amazing dinner. Just a chicken vegetable soup. It was just tons of veggies. I threw it all in the crock pot, you’ll see it it’s going to be on our blog as a recipe. But it was so great. It was one pot just threw it all up in there – carrots and I use the carrots like the purple or yellow carrots, celery and onions and just a whole bunch of vegetables in there. And then I had chicken thighs because I wanted it to have you know some substance to it. It was a great soup.
I pretty much pulled all my grains out. I pulled my wheat out. I pulled out my barley, not even really thinking about what I was doing, but elevating everything. And it was so interesting because for two, three days, maybe that’s been out. And then last night I introduced it. And I was looking back at everything I had done. And I’m like What did I do?

And I think that’s the really the thing for people to understand is that, you know, Stacia, I aren’t doing this and saying okay, this is our life. Now we’re going to strip out, sugar, artificial sugar, which threw out fruit, caffeine, we’re going to strip out all grains, all dairy. And that’s going to be our life for the rest of you know, the rest of eternity. What were we really trying to do is find out which ones are the triggers for us, which ones are the ones that hormonally trigger us. The only way to do that is to strip stuff out. And in the process. It’s really fascinating the science in the book, if you like science, it talks about how it takes 72 hours to really flip the switch on your hormones. What we’re trying to do is figure out those and then in the end, Stacia and I are each going to choose one of our favorite things that we really want. I fundamentally love the taste of coffee. I really like the taste of coffee. So yes, I will try it. But I also know that if it makes me feel awful, I also now know that I can live without it. It’s just it’s that process of what we’re going through to figure out. You know what it is? Do you know what your triggers are, Stacia?
Stacia: It’s the grains, they have to stay out. TMy body does not like them. That’s why I had such a big drop at the very beginning is because I cut out all grains and alcohol, which are based out of grains, if you think about it. And that for me that the first two days, I had a little bit of a headache at dinnertime, but it was because I was hungry. And obviously I’m taking the grains out. They are addictive. They’ve shown how addictive they are. But I knew that going in if I cut out the grains, I would have a tremendous response. And my body likes it much better.
The problem or the challenge for me was introducing as many vegetables as we so we talked about it in the first podcast about this, the pound of vegetables. I am not a salad eater. I cannot sit down and you cannot put a big salad in front of me with chicken on it and all the good veggies and have me eat more than the chicken. By the time I’m done with the chicken, I’m done. I’m full. So, I’ve had to juice everything and use my Ninja blender. And that, for me has been the biggest help, I’m almost ready to introduce that I’ve kind of perfected my detox drink, which is my green detox drink that I’ve been calling it. So much so that I’m almost ready to start having it twice a day, instead of just the one once a day because I put in the turmeric and the cayenne pepper in with it. And it’s like that lemon drink the hot…The warm lemon water in the morning with the cayenne pepper. It’s a nice kick in the afternoon, that I might start using that like around the three o’clock time frame when I’m kind of ready for a nap or just done with my computer.
Corry: What it’s interesting, because isn’t your DNA, say 65% of what you eat to be carbs and it should be in the form of vegetables?
Stacia: Yeah, that’s all. That’s been the key. And I’m the and I will tell you guys this too. I’ve been doing great. And then on Sunday morning, I didn’t have it (pre-made). When I make my green detox drink, I make enough for two days, because that’s what the shaker cup will hold. We’ve factored out that if it’s 16 ounces of pure fiber and pure veggies and I don’t include any fruits in it. I normally do before we started this process. I used to put an apple or something in it, and I haven’t been so I had to figure out the flavors. Because that sweet taste kind of cut the sharp taste of all the rest like the kale especially. I’m not a fan of kale, or cucumbers or celery and they’re all in the drink. You guys can all laugh at me when you see the recipe. No broccoli though. I didn’t figure out how to make that happen without like, just pure gag reflex. No, thank you. There’s a running joke guys. I don’t like broccoli. It tastes like trees. I take a handful of spinach, and I mean a big handful. It’s probably a cup and a half of spinach. Kale, celery, cucumber, zucchini, ginger, half, half a lemon, squeezed lemon juice, turmeric, cayenne, and avocado and MCT oil. And enough of that fits in the tall ninja Blender Bottle and mix to the mix about 32 ounces of fruits and veggie. And I put that and keep half of it for the next day. I was noticing I’ve been making it fresh most every day, and then on the weekend, I went ahead and make it for two days. And Sunday morning, I didn’t have one in the refrigerator, and I almost reached for something else. I went in the fridge and I was like, I don’t want to make this smoothie. It takes too long. And I’m thinking, no, it doesn’t. It takes like 10 seconds when you put everything together. Because literally the blender does all the work. And it doesn’t get rid of the fiber or anything. That’s perfect. And I did it again this morning. It wasn’t already prepared. And because I had such a long day yesterday, when I went into the refrigerator to get to start getting ready for this morning. I was like oh, I want something else. No, I don’t know I don’t, I want my drink. I’m going to make my drink. I’ve been doing good for 10 days. We’re sticking to it and said ‘suck it up cupcake’ to myself.
Corry: That’s kind of how I am with my afternoon. I don’t like eating protein. I’m not a lunch protein person. I don’t like salads with chicken. I am doing a green salad for lunch. I love it, and it’s literally three cups of, I found this great blend that is it’s just enough of like lettuce that goes with kale and spinach. But it’s is just bright, bright, bright green organic mix.

Stacia: The pictures were pretty.
Corry: Yeah, so I probably do three cups of it. And then I’ve got tomatoes and olives and some sunflower seeds. And I found the best sunflower seeds roasted in sunflower oil yesterday.

Stacia: Cashews in the air fryer! I gotta post that to the blog. Would that be good? Yeah, they were good.
Corry: But I don’t want any protein in there. Because in order for me to eat all those vegetables, I can’t have protein. So that’s where my vegan protein shake is coming in. And if you follow our emails, just look at our emails, you’re going to find our favorite things. So, one of the things that we’re going to go is going toxin free. So that’s coming is the very last one. So, this week, so if this post before all the emails come out this week, you definitely want to follow Strength & Grace, and get on our email once a week we send out really great emails and also on our Facebook page. We put all kinds of links. So this week you’re going to see so if you will get when the podcast comes out, you can go back to the week before you’re going to see a link to all of Stacia’s skincare, so when people start thinking about a toxic free skincare line, so you’re going to see all the Cellsentials and then I also put on there the vegan protein powder that I like, which is a pea protein.
Stacia: I like that one. And then I have one that I found that I was just super expensive. But I’ll post up the link to that too. So, you guys can see it. The rich chocolate flavor. I actually haven’t had any protein drinks since we started. I’ve been doing all real foods, which has surprised me. I normally have to substitute. But I think my detox my green smoothie is in my brain, and my brain is thinking that’s my protein drink.
Corry: I think this is what’s helped me kick my sweet tooth is because it is the it’s either a vanilla or a chocolate protein powder. And it’s made out of New Zealand. It’s made with a pea protein isolate, and a plant that is a sweeter plant that gives it the richness of the sweetness, so there’s no sweeteners in it. Then what I do is I put two cups of nuts, so are two tablespoons of nuts. Not two cups, 2 tablespoons of nuts. It is this great nut butter blend. It has got flax seeds, and Brazil nuts and chia seeds and almonds and cashews. There’s zero peanuts in it, and it’s unsweetened. It just has a little bit of Celtic sea salt. I mix that with the unsweetened almond milk. And it is like a heaven, peanut butter, chocolate divine heaven. I think it’s all about the hacks. We’re going to get really close to launching exactly what we’re going to do in terms of bringing on a group that wants to go through a timed 21 day reset with us. We will put you through the process of ‘Okay, we’re start day one, we’re going to go meatless, you know, three days later, we’re going to go sugar free’, and we’ll walk you through all of it, it will have exact dates to start and finish, because we…
Stacia: …want everybody so much to have the accountability partner.
Corry: And that’s what it is. I’ve talked to two people that have asked me a question about I said, Yeah, you can go grab the book, and you can do it. But the funny thing is, is that when Stacia and I both did this, and we talked about it, we said that’s great. Okay, let’s do it together. Because we’re not going to do this unless we do it together. So, she and I are – you should see our text messages.
Stacia: I can’t believe ‘x’…or, oh my gosh, my headache hurts or you know, I’m going to kill somebody today. Oh, my husband’s ready to kill me – my energy levels are through the roof. And I suddenly decided that I’m redoing our teenagers bedroom for the summer. Like what the hell, I’m sorry, but I suddenly got my energy back. My creativity kicked in, and I’m ready to redesign his room, I’m ready to redo the outside of the house. He’s like, Okay, I’m not sure you guys are allowed to do the detox. I think he’s about ready to block Pinterest from me too, because I’ve got all my design ideas and all my recipes saved.
Corry: You did you remind him that we’ll be together for the last three days a minute?
Stacia: No, I’m gonna let him come to the realization that his own, especially if he listens to the podcast.
Corry: We’re 10 days in, I’ve lost like three pounds. I haven’t really stepped on the scale, because I didn’t want to be discouraged by the scale. And the end of the day for me, it’s not, this wasn’t about losing weight. I mean, yes, I know, I’ve got weight that I want to lose, I’ve got unhealthy fat that I want to get rid of. But for me, it was really about bringing myself back to really, really healthy nutrition, taking care of me, making myself feel better. I jokingly, I just said to my husband one day, I’m sick and tired of being fat, and all the things that I do, or I’ve done before, they don’t really work. And so this hormone reset, I was like, that’s probably exactly what I need. I needed to figure out what is it really, that I can’t eat? What causes the problems? What can’t I eat, and what can I eat, that makes me feel good.
Stacia: I’ve got a weight loss goals, too. But I wanted my energy levels back. I’m not used to being tired and not focused. That drives me up the wall. I am super focused and super organized. And when I can’t do that, it makes me crazy. Not having that focus and that that kind of mental fog…I haven’t had that at all since day three, I think it all went away. Maybe?
Corry: It’s all about, every single one of these, we’re talking about estrogen, insulin, leptin, cortisol, thyroid, looking at massive hormones that have so much effect on females, and how they do feel. You look anything up on any Google search or anything about weight loss and somewhere in that feed, it’s going to be how hormones play into everything and how our food has been changed. And it isn’t what it was 30-40 years ago, and that’s why we’re fat. I look back at what I had as a kid. I wasn’t an overweight kid. I was very  slender, I was in great shape. I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch, and I had a glass of milk and chips. It tells you just how much our dairy and our wheat industry has changed and the meats, and just so much and how much it’s changed over the years so that everybody can be bigger, stronger, faster, you know, fatter cows, you name it.
Stacia: Oh, I have to tell a story here. We went, when Brandon was little, we went to one of the local farms. They had the the Halloween theme out so that they can ride, play rides and run around the maze and all that stuff. And I remember seeing one of the cows from the farm. And one of the ladies who lived on the farm introduced the cow who was like their prize-winning cow. Both of them are larger than life. I was like, Okay, this is a problem here. That cow does not look like a cow. And I’m glad he won prizes for being the biggest cow ever. But that’s frightening. The people who lived on the farm were the same size (as the cow) which was scary to me as well. 
Another time I ran into a bunch of middle school students from the Midwest who were farm kids. And I was like, oh, what high school you guys from? Oh, no, we’re middle school students! These kids were taller and bigger than I was. And that shouldn’t that shouldn’t have happened. That’s not normal to me. It just goes to show you the same thing, of course talking about the industry’s changed. And the hormones are prevalent in so many of our foods that we just don’t see it. And this is a great way to, to kind of counteract that. I don’t know, I’ve been feeling a lot better my energy levels are obviously through the roof, getting a lot more done. I don’t know that Corry wants me to get more done in the day, I keep coming up with new projects for us.
Corry: But that’s okay, I just keep reminding her like the five that we still have to do.
Stacia: And I’m like,look, but I have this one. And I have this idea. And I want to do this…
Corry: And that’s the balance between us as always, you know, she does say she does such a great job with the technology and the marketing and putting it all together. We found this really good balance. I’ll write this a write all this copy, and then I’ll send it to you. And then I’m like, at the mercy of sending it back to her and getting her to do something with it. And then she’s at the mercy of waiting, hey, I really need this one written, not that one. It’s just great teamwork. We have such a great synergy between the two of us. It’s like the yin and yang totally, our strengths and weaknesses balance out, our food allergies balance out.
Stacia: And when she gets annoyed with somebody on a call or vice versa. We do really well with it. Yes, never, never catch us both mad at somebody at the same time then all Hell’s gonna break loose.
Corry: If somebody really, really pissed us off, and we’re both mad. And the other one can’t calm the other one down. And usually it’s me, it’s more pissed off, she’s more calm. And I look at her some days and go, Why don’t you get mad?
Stacia: And when I do, it’s why did that irritate you? And nothing else did. I don’t know. It was just one of those things.
Okay, if you want to do the hormone reset, the 21 days with us, hit the blog, send us an email at strengthandgracefitness@gmail.com. If you know one of us send us a message via text via instant messenger any of those things. The next thing we want to talk about is our upcoming So You Want to Compete program. So not only do we have the website for new competitors to find out information, it’s a safe space to ask questions. We try to post up information about shows what goes on behind the scenes, that kind of stuff.
Corry: My first shows were back in 2000. It’s 20 years since we’ve been a part of bodybuilding and what it’s done, and it’s literally what brought Stacia & I together was shows and we met each other. (She just called out how old we are.) Yeah, I did. But you know what, that’s okay. We just talked about doing a hormone reset. I know, I know. They gotta know, you know, we’re both in our 40s. But it’s been a love of ours, we’ve worked with so many competitors over all the years. When you’re new to this sport, you’re trying to get started and you want to find a place to begin. There’s so much information out there. There’s so many, there’s so many coaches, there’s so many trainers, and there’s so many nutritionists. And what we wanted to do is take our 20 years of experience in this industry, meeting with some of the best coaches in the world and working with some of the best coaches in the world that helped us, helped me get my pro card. And really how do we compile that information down into a we package? Now, this four-week program isn’t going to get you from you show up and you’re going to go on stage, but it gives you the starting basis of what to look for where to go, what questions to ask, it has…
Stacia: Even with Associations ~ Do you want to compete in because not everybody’s ready, ready or wants to step on an NPC stage. They want to go OCB, they want to go  NGA, there’s a whole bunch of different associations out there, and just giving them the information on even just those is helpful.
Corry: It’s that stepping stone for somebody that wants to get involved. It shows you, here’s a starter nutrition plan. Here’s a starter workout plan. Don’t forget about your posing. It’s also a good kickstart. Maybe you want to compete, or maybe you’ve done 2, 3, 4 or five shows, and you just you want to get back into it or you want something to start with. It’s $49 for the four-week program. It should cost hundreds more. This sport is expensive. If you’re female, you have to get the shoes, and then the gorgeous suits. And for men, you know, everything too. Iit’s not so bad for the men, but men still have to do tanning, some of them have to do waxing, some of them have to get their board shorts tailored. They have to make a routine if they’re in classic physique or bodybuilding. They have an association fees, maybe they have coach fees. It all adds up. If you’re thinking about it, you want to jump in, you want to reset, it’s a great way to do that, with two coaches that have been in the industry for a long time, that have also put the information from all the coaches that we’ve worked with, both from all the natural associations, the IFAB, and the NPC into one four week program for you, right.
Stacia: I wish I’d had that. I had a coach when I first started, but even just the information that outside of that coaching, right, would have been much more helpful.
Corry: I still laugh because my first show that I did was in Okinawa, Japan. I’m putting on my hair and makeup and I’m eating my Lean Cuisine. Lean Cuisine chock full of sodium, you know, eating that, because that’s my healthy get ready and go. And I was blessed with a six pack of abs. I’ve always had a core, which I want to trigger these hormones, so I can figure out and get that six pack back. I could get away with eating a Lean Cuisine. Now when I wanted to get serious, there were no lean cuisines, but it’s that kind of stuff that brand new competitors, where you’re just getting started, and somebody comes up to you in the gym and says, Hey, have you ever thought about competing, you look like you should compete. And then you start looking and go, it’s 1200 dollars to hire a coach. And it’s dollars for a suit? Yeah. This gives you just a really entry level to say, Okay, let’s see if this thing is for me. The great thing is you go through it and you love it, you go to the So You Want to Compete website, or you can reach out to us and we will hook you up with coaches or trainers or anyone in your industry. You get in the private Facebook group, you ask questions, there’s judges there, officials. We’ve made it a warm and inviting space to be. I always tell competitors, especially in a group, when we do our seminars, I always say look around this room, the people in this room, you may see them as the competitors that you have to beat on stage, but I’m going to tell you that they are your very best friends. They’re the only ones that are ever going to understand. I can’t go out tonight. I have to do a double cardio.
All of that, they’re the ones are going to tell you all the really crazy places that you’ve stopped to pee. And because you’re drinking that gallon of water, and oh, I put my keys in the fridge and left my water in the den.
Stacia: We’ve all done that. Just don’t put your keys in the microwave. That’s bad. We are all carb depleted. I laugh because it’s like what we’re doing with the hormone reset in a way – will be taking the grains out. So I laugh when people go on about being carb depleted, I’m like, Yeah, but you’re still getting veggies. It’s all in your brain, let’s switch off the thought that you need grains.
Corry: One of those things that will have to follow up on the hormone reset next time we do so it’s fascinating because it is done by a Board Certified doctor. And she has studied women for multiple, multiple years and what she’s done. And it’s fascinating, I was reading her part in the book today talking about why she never recommends Keto for women, and why it’s always Paleo and how not getting enough carbohydrates can severely impact your hormones. And I was just having a conversation with a friend that was doing the intermittent fasting. She had removed all her all her carbohydrates and really had had serious issues and went to the doctor and the doctors like, well, what are you eating, and it was all the missing carbs. There’s more to come in our next podcast as we get closer and closer to the end. But we’ll be sure to do a recap at the very, very end of this. And I think you’ll find, we’re going to tell you some funny stories, because we’re being really real and honest with what this program is doing and how it’s affecting our lives. Because we are all over coaches. We’re also moms, we’re wives, you know, we’re part of the community. So, if we can do it, you can do it.
Stacia: It’s actually… I’m surprised at how easy it’s been. One of my favorite hacks that I did is I wrote my meal plan up on the refrigerator door (with a not a sharpie guys) – a dry erase marker. I was like, Oh, I need a dry erase board to put my meal plan up on the refrigerator. No Dummy, dry erase markers will work on the stainless steel just fine. So, I wrote it up there. And my husband walks by He’s like, why are you writing on the refrigerator? I know that when I go to the refrigerator, I know what I need to eat. I can’t go in and grab something else because it’s already written up there and I’m good to go. (To Corry) You are tracking things in My Fitness Pal. Right?
Corry: I have been bad. Mainly because of the fact that the only reason why is because I’ve been eating the same damn thing.
Stacia: Right? That’s why that’s the reason I don’t track it. I just I read it on the refrigerator. Boom. But you’re also not weighing yourself every day. I started out weighing myself every day so that I could see which foods were affecting me because that’s what I did when I first started competing. And that’s how I know it’s the grains that affect me and make my scale go up or down. Because I can track it day over day.
Corry: Well, I’ll tell you from me, I know when it all comes down. I will probably… I don’t like the taste of grass-fed beef. I can’t stand it. So, the fact of how differently grass-fed beef tastes from conventional beef scares the crap out of me. Because that tells you there’s something way wrong there. I don’t know that I’ll put these back in. I really I do not like the favor of grass fed beef and everything I’ve learned in this hormone reset about non organic dairy beef scares the hell out of me, right. It’s clearly evidence so this is what’s fascinating is because we have our DNA genetic testing, and we have this hormone reset to watch how it’s crazy to me how on point my genetics are with it. For me, I know it’s going to be its artificial sweetener, I’ve got to get rid of the artificial sweeteners and everything that I do. I look back and it’s interesting because I was looking back to when I was the leanest or I was competing and doing everything and I was looking at what I had. And I had my cup of coffee with my half and half and I had the carbohydrates that I was eating was the simple oatmeal, rice – that was it like oatmeal, rice, sweet potatoes. I have to keep my carbs simple. They have to be super simple in the fact that it’s literally one ingredient.
Stacia: The rice is actually – I tested it this weekend. The rice will actually make me plateau or gain. Which is crazy to me.
Corry: Yeah, and I have to do some more playing with rice. I have switched him so much cauliflower rice these days. I don’t even know when I last had it. But for me, I know sweet potatoes and oatmeal. If my carbs go too low, I feel dizzy. And like I’m going to pass out. My DNA says I’m a 40-30-30 split, a true 40-30-30 split. I’m thinking if 10 to 15% of those are sweet potatoes or a rice or an oatmeal and the rest of it is all my veggies…
Stacia: And you’re going to do much so much better than what I’ve been doing. Yeah, and I’m finding I’m still good with the fats. So the MCT oil I’ve been using and the ghee instead of butter to cook with. Keeping the vegetables high really high is what’s key for me so far.
Corry: And the best thing out of this you that you just mentioned, this is what I have found is the only thing from coconut that I cannot do is the oil. I cannot do coconut oil. I’ve always had such a hard reaction to coconut. I can do the coconut milk. I can do the actual coconut from some of the recipes that I’ve been playing with what I absolutely cannot do is the MCT oil, which comes from coconut, and an actual coconut oil. Those two things making me like – it’s not a pretty picture. I’m very sick, probably what happens to Stacia when she has milk.
Stacia: I found that I can have almond flour. I can’t have nuts, guys. So like peanuts. Almonds, I can have a few pistachios give me a headache. You know, things like that, like cashews are not a nut, they’re a seed. I learned that from my son, thank you when he was singing that silly song. I can have cashews, and the coconut. It’s really interesting, what things I can get away with now that I couldn’t that I didn’t think I could before. It’ll be fun to watch the group going with us on their first pass to see what sensitivities they’re showing and what things they’re finding with their own tests. I can’t wait to see that.
Okay, guys, well, we are at the 38 minute mark, and I’m sure you’re tired listening to us talk, although we could probably go on for another hour. Corry and I talked about everything. We are five and a half weeks out from our next show, hosting here in Virginia. We will be at one of the Maryland shows here at the end of the month. If you see us at that show, ask us how the detox is going because we’re ending it towards the end of that weekend. Should be fun. Next up for me is looking for the toxin free, not the skincare but the makeup. My skincare is toxin free, though, and the one that I put in the blog post from or the email from last week. So next step is finding the actual makeup items that are also toxin free because you don’t realize what’s hidden in your shampoos, your foundation, your powder, your mascara, all that fun stuff. We’ll be testing some of those things out. If you have recommendations. Please don’t hesitate to hit us up and send us an email. And if you have a question, I think Corry’s not averse to this either. If somebody sends us a question, we’re happy to answer it on the podcast, right? If you have to health question, if you have a nutrition question, a fitness questions, send it to us at strengnthandgracefitness@gmail.com. That’s all spelled out. Yes. No, no ampersand in there. And we will be happy to answer it on air and see if you guys can hear it on the podcast. With that, I will say I hope you guys have a great week, and with Corry in California. I’m here in Virginia, I think her weather it’s probably better than ours.
Corry: No, it’s crappy. No, sorry. It’s cold and overcast here today.
Stacia: And hotter than Hades and we’re going to get storms here so it’ll be fun. Anyway, enjoy your workouts guys. And we will see you on the next podcast.
Corry: Have a great day, which next week. Also, when you try the next one, we’re going to actually have two of our clients talk about their journey with us. So instead of listening to just us chat about you know what we do and how we affect people. We will have a male and a female client with us next week, talking about their journey and what you know working with us has meant to them and how it’s changed their lives.
Stacia: Can’t wait to hear them talk. Alright guys, have a great week. Bye, guys!


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