July 11

Episode 9: Chatting with Josh



Join us with Josh Silvas, NPC Bodybuilder & Classic Physique Competitor, plus Ret. Army

Stacia: Hey guys, it is once again time for the Corry &
Stacia show. This is Stacia Kelly, and I am here with…

Corry: Ms. Corey.

Stacia: Again, she came out from California, guys. We’re
actually both in Virginia, and who do we have with us today? We have a special
guest today…

Corry: Yes, we have got one of our Rockstar clients. We have
got Josh with us today. And he’s going to share a little bit about his journey.
How he came to find us and what he’s been doing recently. Say hello, Josh.

Josh: Hey, everybody, How y’all doing?

Stacia: You’ve picked up the Texas stuff saying y’all now.

Josh: I don’t know that ever lost it.

Corry: It’s always been in those. It’s always been in here. Josh,
we really appreciate you coming on and just giving everybody a little, you
know, just a little insight. We want to share with people kind of where you
came from where you started, because if anyone were to see your health and
fitness journey on Facebook, they would see a totally different person, then I
would say it’s probably what is it almost two years now?

Josh: It’s been about two years. And ain’t that the truth?
It’d be a completely different person right now, or just two years ago.

Corry: Yeah. Tell everybody a little bit about where you
were starting, when you first reached out to us, I think it was when you were
walked into that very first So You Want to Compete boot camp (www.SYW2C.com) and
kind of was thinking, I remember, you had a bum knee and your journey with the
military. Tell people a little bit about where you came from and where you

Josh: So first and foremost, you know, I’ve been physically
active since I was a teenager, especially since I was in the army. Now what
happened was, a few years back, I had a knee injury, it cost me a good portion
of my quad just due to atrophy. And I kind of gained a lot of weight actually
bloomed up I was, you know, average, average weight used to be like 151. And
then I blew up to over 210 pounds, just wasn’t able to move very well. I kind
of sunk into quite a bit of depression, just wasn’t physically able to do the
things I wanted. And I thought I had tried everything. And then I stumbled
across this bodybuilding show. There, too, in? Yes, yes, I had, I had actually
a couple of friends who have been competing. And I found out that the ladies
from YouTube, were actually running these boot camps and everything, along with
Max muscle. So, what I ended up doing is showing up to one of the boot camps
and met a lot of different people, just the people who were there for
bodybuilding competitions, to just people who want to live a healthier
lifestyle. I was kind of torn in between what I wanted to do. But after that
boot camp, I went back for another knee procedure and the military didn’t go so
well. I ended up having to walk with a cane for a little bit and kind of even
sunk even further into depression. But I thought about it after a bit. And once
I once I got rid of the cane. This is right around…I want to say December 2017,
I decided to take the leap. So I always had wanted to be a bodybuilder and
wanted to be on stage. And…

Stacia: yeah, I always say to myself, he started in January.

Josh: Oh, yeah, January.

Corry: I still remember those initial pictures that we took
and looking at the Josh that was there versus the Josh that is today. For those
of you listening Josh pretty much came to us as kind of a broken man. And he
was in a point where he was getting ready to retire from the military, and I
think really wanted to retire better than where he’d start from.

And then Josh and I quickly started talking about my
background with the military and helping individuals, whether it was saving
their career or getting a promotion. We’ve talked about it before that we saved
a couple, basically, he was trying to go for a big promotion, and he and his
wife did it together just so he could drop his waist measurement. For those of
you that are listening, you know, in the military, they do different
measurements for body fat. We’re looking at waist measurements, we’re looking
at neck measurements, and then determining body fat, which is anything close to
what we would normally do for body fat.

But I remember looking at Josh and going okay, we’ve got
some work to do. But one thing I loved about you, Josh is just your
determination, kinda from day one you’ve stepped in. And it’s really kind of
neat to see your progress. I mean, we came from, kind of a broken man who lost
a bunch of weight, and then got you ready, did a competition. And then after
that we went from okay, now that you’ve done a competition, now let’s really
train for harder competition.

Stacia: Have you gone back to your surgeon to show him the
progress and your quad?

Josh: Now, I’ve moved down to Texas. I’m no longer in the
area where I was when I had the knee procedure, right? But right before I left,
I had to clear the army to retire, I stopped by and saw the lady who did all
the injections. And it basically was like, I can’t remember the exact
terminology. But it was some type of injection that was supposed to regenerate
cells and regenerate cartilage and everything like that, that had gone wrong.
And she had saw how badly my leg atrophied. By the time she saw me again, it
was right around that first competition. And she was kind of floored. She even
said something to the effect of, I don’t know what you’re doing, but the
majority of people that I have experienced with never gained their quad back.

Stacia: Come train with us!

Josh: Exactly, exactly. But they say it’s due to lack of
determination, ability or lack of belief in them, they’ll be able to do it. So,
they kind of atrophy even further. I kind of took that as a huge compliment.

Stacia: That’s good. Well, that’s because well, part of it
too, was when we adapted your training, we adapted it so that it was similar to
what I did to get my shoulder back. Right after the motorcycle accident. I
didn’t use my arm, my right arm for several months. And I was trying to lift a
broomstick at the very beginning. And now I’ll do over 20 pounds on a on a
shoulder exercise. That doctor told me I was never going to have my mobility

Josh: Bodybuilding exercises focusing in on that weakest – weakest
limb before moving on. And yeah, it worked out great.

Stacia: Yeah, I’m glad I wanted to know like if you had gone
back to see them, just because they they always get floored.

Corry: I think it’s one of those things that if you
understand the anatomy of the body, and through all my years, anatomy has
always been my favorite class. I mean, yeah, I’ve done physics and chemistry,
I’ve done it all, you know, because you got to understand force and motion. But
for me, it was always physiology and the anatomy of the body. And if you just
know how it works, how, you know, it’s funny, because we talked about abs and
we talked about ABS for a second, you know, people want great abs, and then I
laugh at people because they’re like, let’s do this plank pose. And let’s do
these other pose, I’m like you do understand the function of the abdominals is
for reflection of the spine. If you want your abdominals to show you actually
have to do for reflection of the spine. It’s the same thing like with knees,
you have to do flexing and extension at that knee joint if you want the
hamstrings and quads to work. And so it’s funny, all these exercises that come
up, but if you think back to the fundamental science of bodybuilding, it’s, you
know, you pick things up and you put it down – biomechanics. Yeah, It really is
just looking at how it works. If you give it the right stimulus, and if you
give it the right nutrition,  the body is
an amazing thing, and it will heal and it will repair itself. But I think just
so many people, like you said Josh, aren’t willing to put in that work and the

Josh: So it’s funny you say that about the abs in the
exercises. I think one of the biggest things I learned ever since starting this
process is Yeah, we can do some isolation work. And we can focus in on the
muscle, but the majority of our muscles aren’t just made in the gym, but
they’re made in the kitchen, which was very humbling, and something I learned
big time.

Corry: Josh, to his credit, I would say he has probably been
one of the perfect clients that we’ve worked with when we’ve given Josh
nutrition plan and said, This is what you need to eat. He shows up and you
know, we went to was great. It was great spying moment when we went and did the
nutrition seminar with your battalion. And we had all the guys there. And here’s
Josh and he pulls out his Tupperware and it’s got in there, his tuna and his
green beans. And you know, he’s eating it cold and pulling out his little Hot Logic
(https://amzn.to/2JpqkS6), which for those of you listening, if you have any
kind of work where you don’t have access to heating your food, Hot Logic is
amazing. It’s something that you can plug in. It’s like a portable oven. One of
our clients, Ron uses it on the go in his patrol car. It’s a great tool to
have. But here’s Josh just in the back. And so all of these guys in the room
are listening to this presentation and talking about it and we’re going through
everything and it was so great because I look back and, here’s Josh just a living
example of the fact that if you really want something. I think we asked her
clients all the time when they’re not doing something or they’re cheating on
their plan, or maybe they’re having way too many Pop Tarts, and we DO find out
about pop tarts.

Stacia: No that hasn’t happened ever.

Corry: But you know it’s really about how bad do you want it
and how bad do you want to make it happen? Josh has really stuck with all of
his stuff. And I think you know it was really cool to watch him journey to get
to that stage and then from there now with the training. Josh, I want you to
just tell them a little bit about because you know for the longest time with
Josh we were trying to get his body fat lower for the show. So as we were
trying and we’re doing different things and you know really working with things
and I encouraged Josh to do the DNA testing and let’s see what happens with the
DNA testing. The remarkable results are we got him at a 10- 9% body fat and now
in his offseason growing I mean you’re holding what a 5-6 percent body fat now
what since we’ve done the DNA testing?

Josh: Yeah I float depending on you know how close we are to
my cheat meals . I fluctuate somewhere between five to six and a half percent
body fat in the given moment. That’s awesome.

Stacia: How has it been? How has your DNA base nutrition
been compared to the previous plans?

Josh: I am I’m so glad you asked actually. So it kind of
backtrack a moment where Corry was talking about hey, you give me a meal plan
and I just kind of go with it. She asked that if you go back to like the
original meal plans I never changed anything like there’s a one beautiful thing
these ladies have going on is they give a little bit of flexibility to find …
you can switch out your food just as long as it matches macros and everything
like that based off this website that they use. But I always listened like this,
I had tried everything myself my entire life and never really got me to where I
wanted to be. So I figured if I’m having somebody who believes in me, tell me I
need to do X, Y & Z, then that’s what I’m gonna do. I didn’t adjust
anything. Yeah, eat exactly what they say, it’s gotta work. I was eating on
macros that were based off of how they viewed me in person, and how my progress
was going, and everything like that. But unbeknownst to me and Corry, as well
as they should, when they did the DNA analysis for my nutrition, they figured
my macros were different. So it switches mine…to give you an example, my intake
is like 20%, fat 35% protein, 45% carbs. Whereas if you looked at that I was
closer to 30% on the fat and switch those other numbers around before. So I was
doing really, really, really good. But compared to like last offseason, I
fluctuated anywhere between nine to 13, almost 15% body fat last offseason. And
I can’t remember how much mass I put on during that. But it wasn’t as much as
what’s happened so far. And just the past two months since the beginning of
this offseason. So switching into this DNA based nutrition meal plan is not
only kept my body fat significantly down, I’ve put on right or just over 10
pounds of lean body mass that’s period. So, if you ask me how life has been
after that, it’s been life changing, even more so than my original life
changing event of starting this anyway. That’s awesome.

Stacia: Yeah, that kind of lean mass gain is… I’m trying to
think of like the right word for it, because it took me 10 years to add mass to
my friend, but I’m also I was also mostly an ectomorph for most of my growing
years. Adding muscle to my frame is very difficult. But I’ve been doing my DNA
based nutrition for the last few weeks, and the changes have been astounding. I
mean, 10 pounds down in 15 days. That’s usually isn’t it? I’m not hungry. Even
though my meal times I’m like, I can eat but I’m not ready to gnaw my arm off.
Because my fats mine. And it’s funny because mine is 65 carbs 15 Is that right?
15 fat. And I don’t do math 10 I don’t know. My carbs have to be higher. They
have to be vegetable carbs that can’t be grains. It’s really neat going to look
at the DNA based nutrition to see exactly what is best for you.

Josh: It’s really funny you mentioned that part two about, about
what you can and cannot have. That’s the other thing that I really liked about
that DNA nutrition is okay. Yeah, it tells you fat, right, you can have 20%
fat, but it literally distinguishes between what fat really works in your body
versus what will not work in your body. This is gonna be funny coming from me…
I’m a young Hispanic male, but I can’t have avocados based off of this. So
that’s supposed to be a really good fat. But you’d be surprised when you get
that analysis done. That what you think is good for you may not actually be
good for you?

Corry: When I did mine, mine is a 40-30-30. So it’s easy to
remember just because of the numbers. But what I found out is that, I don’t
have what everybody calls the fat gene, the fat gene that you can’t have
certain fats. What I did is I started incorporating I was mainly eating move nuys.
So the mono unsaturated fats, I wasn’t eating a lot of the PUA, as the
polyunsaturated fats. But it was my DNA wanted me to really work on doing both.
I’ve seen a big difference, especially with the detoxification I’ve been doing,
I started adding in both types of fat sources. And then also really looking at
for me, my carbohydrates, even though it’s 40% those carbs really needed to
come from the vegetables, I needed to have some fruit. And you know, it’s
really interesting because once we get done with the detox, we’re going to
start the reintroduction. And when we do the reintroduction, the first two
things I want to reintroduce are two foods that on my DNA based nutrition
analysis says that are very good for me. I absorb and digest lactose and dairy
very, very well. And I also process caffeine. So anybody that’s around me and
knows how much I love my coffee with a little bit of half and half talking
about coffee chain before we started recording.

Josh: Does that mean that it can be a one of those frappuccino?
I mean, there’s your dairy, right? Yeah, I see no caffeine.

Corry: But, one of the things I would have never realized is
I can’t have artificial sweeteners. The artificial sweeteners really mess with
me. And I’ve just been having them for so long that you know, it was I’m
removing sugar, I’m removing sugar. So I’m putting artificial sweetener in. And
it’s just as bad. And it’s been awful. For me. It’s actually causing more bloat
and it’s causing issues. But so I think the really neat thing is that you know,
with Josh, we’ve seen some great improvements. I know we’re going to be
wrapping up here for a moment. But Josh, what is your…you’ve got a page on
Facebook that you’ve dedicated to your journey. Will you share with everybody
what the name of that pages?


Yes. So I have two different things. One of them to my page
is https://www.facebook.com/JSilvasHealthandFitness/  – this is health and fitness kind of covers
down on this entire journey as well as what I deal with the sponsorship. Okay.
And then also everything up on my Instagram page (https://www.instagram.com/joshua_silvas/)
as well.

Corry: He’s awesome at Instagram.

Stacia: I need to follow Joshua’s lead on Instagram, just
start posting all of the things

Corry: We will see. I’ve delegated. I’ve let Stacia. I said,
I’ll take on Facebook, feed old people’s I was at my 10-year-old saying and
they go, Oh, well, mom. You know, Facebook is for old people. I’m like, I’m not
that old. Come on. I’m only 41. I’m like, I’m not that old. But Facebook is for
the old people. Instagram is for, you know, the tweens and then Snapchat, like,

Stacia: oh my gosh. Sorry, I hate Snapchat. Sorry.

Corry: But we’ll be sure to post all of Joshua’s journeys.
You can also go on to our blog and look at Joshua’s journey as well. He is in a
mandatory offseason right now. Because all the judges the last show said that
he needs some growth, but I think we are showing that we can do it. I think the
10-pound growth in two months is probably amazing. And you know, the great
thing is, is that you know, Josh can attest to this, we can attest this, he’s a
completely all natural athlete. There’s nothing he’s doing that you can’t do.
And it’s really truly it’s amazing to see the power of food. It’s called food
and lifting.

Josh: …and working hard and not cheating. And paying attention
to what you’re told to do. And

Stacia: You and I are a lot of like that…when I first
started out training and everything, I would never deviate from my meal plan.
Whatever my coach gave me I just followed because I’m not a foodie, but Corey
is a foodie. So she wants to swap.

Corry: I had to implement in my cheat meals. I implemented
my own. Sorry, Mike Davies. You know, I was like, Okay, this might be a plan,
okay, every Friday night, I’m gonna have a cheat meal. But you know, I learned
so much. And that is why our clients get cheat meals as because I understood
how it could help people. And that’s why with our clients, I’m like, okay, you
can have a cheat meal. Or I can say you can have a refeed – I’ll cover the
difference between those two things later. Yeah. And there’s quite frankly,
people I will say, you may go have a steak and potato with nothing on it. But
no, it’s because they need fat and carbs. And that’s it. Yeah.

Stacia: And I don’t need anything else. I would live on
potatoes if I could, but I’m not allowed to even if it’s 65% I know right? Oh,
we would love to do that. Okay, guys, Josh, thank you so much for joining us
today. I know you’ve got a busy schedule with school, although school should be
out for the summer, maybe? Yes. Okay. I was gonna say, well, not for my kid my
kids in summer school because he needs to get the extra class out of the way.
But, your schedule is normally swamped and packed with everything. So, thank
you for joining us today. We appreciate it.

Josh: No problem. My pleasure.

Corry: Yeah, we’ll have to have you back on again. We were
supposed to have a couple of other people here with you, but we had our
schedules got all discombobulated for all sorts of reasons something about cars
breaking down, to sick pets and corrupted websites.

Josh: Oh, my God. You mean you mean life events?

Stacia: Yeah. Those things. Alright guys. So that is a wrap
for today’s episode of the Corry & Stacia show. We will be back again soon
with even more fun topics. Again, if you have a question. You want to us to
answer something on the podcast simply email us at strengthandgracefitness@gmail.com.
We will be happy to cover the topic. If you would like to join us on a podcast.
We are always happy to have people especially if you like to joke around with
us like Josh does. And come on the show. And normally we have a one a couple of
our other coaches joining us here in the near future that are goofy with us
backstage. So, we’ll leave you guys with that. And that will be a wrap. We will
talk to you guys later.

Corry & Josh: Sounds great. Bye guys.


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