Preventing goal burnout, before it’s too late. Re-read the last part of that sentence, before it’s too late.
Yes, it’s a brand-new year and your resolutions / goals are front and center…but what happens as the days and weeks go by and all the oomph that helped you set the goal is gone. What now?
What’s the difference between a goal and a resolution?
We use these 5 tips to help our clients stay in the game and keep reaching for their goals.
Create BIG and small goals.
Big goals are meant to challenge us, give us a place to dream too. Our big goals though can seem very overwhelming if we haven’t created the smaller steps to get there. For example, if your big goal is to lose 40 pounds, then our small goals might be: exercise 3x per week, avoid sugar/grains, and watch portion sizes. The small goals are the steps to the big goal.
Remember your Why.
No one comes to us and simply just wants to lose weight or get leaner. Everyone has a reason why. When you feel like giving up on your goal, or making it less of a goal (say turning those 40 pounds into 20 pounds instead) remember why you wanted to lose the weight. Was it to have more energy? To feel more confident? To reduce risk factors for certain diseases? We know, if your why isn’t big enough, then every time you feel overwhelmed you are at risk for derailing from achieving your goal.
“Simplify to amplify”.
This statement comes from Marie Forleo. It really can come down to something as easy as – what needs to come off my plate so that I have the room to reach my goals! If you want to exercise more so you can lose weight, then the late night T.V. is going to have to go so you can get some extra sleep and get up in the morning. If you have too many goals, choose the one you want most, that you can work for right now, and you won’t feel as overwhelmed. Give yourself permission to say no, or not right now.
Build habits around your goals.
Almost everything we do in life consistently is because it has become habitual in our life. How can you turn your goal into something that is a habit? Maybe we need to break the goals down even smaller and tie them to a habit. Are you trying to drink more water and hit the recommended gallon per day? Tie a habit you already have (making food, going to the bathroom, letting the dog out, checking on the kids) with the new habit you want to make (taking a big drink of water). One book we highly recommend is Atomic Habits (the Audible version is really good for those that don’t have time to read like me)! It talks more about building habits in 2 minute intervals.
Meditate or Journal.
Sometimes the best thing for a mind that is overworked, overburdened and too tired is to take a moment and pause. For many – either meditating or journaling will work, for some, we need both. Meditating allows the brain to pause; burnout can be a symptom of never taking a moment to breathe Try this medititation from Stacia; Relax in Being. Journaling on the other hand gives your brain an outlet to get it all out. You don’t need anything to write about, just let your mind go, or use our 21 Days of Journaling Unit – found in our Powered by Strength and Grace Group for ideas on topics.
Give yourself the grace you deserve. Goals are big and scary and hard…that is why we have them and that is why we want to reach them. If you ever want to chat with us about them, we’d love to listen. Join us for a coffee chat (invitation in our Powered by Strength and Grace Group) , post a comment or reach out via email (
“If you listen to how you feel when it comes to what you want, you will not get it. Because you will never feel like it. Get outside your comfort zone. That’s where the magic is!” Mel Robbins. When you know what you want, you can prevent goal burnout with these small steps.
Still feeling goal burnout around your fitness and nutrition goals? Lets chat, schedule a call directly with us!