December 16

GoodBye 2019, Hello 2020

As we close out the decade there are many of us setting big goals for the new decade and for 2020 alone.  Before you say goodbye, we’d love to you to take a moment and celebrate all your wins and successes in 2019.  We’d also like you to think about those not so great moments that happened.  And instead of looking at them as failures or “ugh” moments in time – what did you learn from them?  How did they make you stronger?

We’d love to hear your top 3!

The top 3 things you celebrated in 2019 and the top 3 things you learned from.  We will go first!

Corry: as you will see, mine are wrapped in together!

  1. Detox Success!  I’ve been wanting to make a change for SO LONG, especially since moving to California.  You know…they’re lots of skinny people all around me!  Hahaha…it was my running joke with Stacia.  But seriously, California is an extremely healthy state. So when Stacia approached me about the detox she had read about I said yes.  I had just finished listening to the best audible book – Mel Robbins Kick Ass and a comment she made about being a hypocrite to someone she was coaching struck hard.  I help people every day fight their excuses and take better care of themselves. And it was my turn.  And…6 months after our detox, I have lost 23 pounds and have never felt better.  I am leaner, stronger and my diet (what I eat) seriously rocks. I did it…me, myself and I…I pushed myself…with my own plan and I embraced the changes.  And since I have seen first-hand with myself, with Stacia and many of our other clients, I know how much it works.  But ONLY if you embrace the changes and listen to your body.  And, my nutrition aligns with my DNA recommendations!
  • Letting go…after 12 years it was time to say goodbye to Max Muscle.  And this one for me will be a HUGE win and a HUGE lesson.  Closing the store made me feel like an absolute failure, because in the end, it was losing money and the best solution was to close the doors.  BUT, I remind myself that small businesses close all the time and I made not one, but two stores survive for 12 years.  And in the process, I became who I am today… I met Stacia, I created a business I love, met too many great people to name and count and I get to live my life on my terms and be there every single day for my kids and my family.
  • Everything is figureoutable!  Yep…that New York Times Best Seller book really touched my heart.  Seriously, when you feel like there are no answers…look inside and you will figure it out.  2019 was a serious launching pad for me.  I hired two awesome mentors, I made HUGE changes in my life and I am super ready for the next decade.  BRING IT ON!

Stacia: I’ll wrap mine together too. I normally sit and do this the week between Christmas and New Year’s so it’s a little early for my reflections 😀

  1. Detox – It was definitely enlightening and served more as a reminder for me about which foods triggered my system. And it pushed me to finally move to more of a plant-based diet. That’s always been a challenge as I have not, traditionally, been a fan of vegetables and I don’t eat a lot of fruit. Now, I have far more energy and focus which is what I’ve been looking for. It’s also what works best for me based on my DNA analysis. That’s been a fun project! I created a (mostly) plant-based plan allowing for seafood when I want it. Interesting aside, I finally figured out part of the problem with the animal proteins I was eating – they were upsetting my stomach. I’m allergic to antibiotics (yes, all of them) so if I’m getting any animal protein that has had antibiotics, my entire system reacts to it!
  • Clear the Clutter – I have always known I work better in a clutter free environment. If there is clutter on my desk, it distracts me. And, I’ve been feeling VERY distracted lately (I do blame some of that on the constant stream from technology though too.) So, after re-designing our son’s bedroom to better suit a tech-savvy teenager, I re-designed two office spaces for my husband and I. We have always shared a home office space so it’s a little bit of an adjustment for both of us. However, now, each of us has a space suited for our personalities and work habits. It’s also making better use of the space in the house and creating a better energetic flow in the house. I realize I should have done this sooner, but I think we’re just making way to set up a clearer energy for 2020 J
  • Training vs. Not Training – I haven’t been in the gym as much, if at all this year. I’ve been tired, run down and not feeling up to any of it. I was beating myself up for it for a while, but then I realized I just needed to change it up some. So, instead, I hit the pool, trained at home, did more active recovery than hard core training. I didn’t make it about a challenge or a goal. Just more of a let me get moving and enjoy the movement. It was a great reset. And, when I was ready, on my terms, I got back to the gym.


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