April 7

Helping to Boost Your Immune System

With times as they are, we are constantly being asked what supplements people can take to help boost their immune system. 

While I highly recommend taking quality, pharmaceutical grade supplements ALL year round, during cold and flu season there are two specific ones I always increase for myself.

  1. Vitamin C​ - is a potent agent in helping to eliminate pathogens when given/taken in high doses. If you think about it, scurvy and rickets were once so damaging to the human population, but now, non-existent. Imagine if you then increase the amount you're taking...what can your body do with the extra boost?
  2. Vitamin D - can help to strengthen your immune system and helps suppress the inflammation processes.
According to Dr. Ronald Hunninghake, an internationally recognized expert on vitamin C who has personally supervised tens of thousands of intravenous (IV) vitamin C administrations, vitamin C is "definitely a very underutilized modality in infectious disease," considering "it's really a premiere treatment" for infections.(1)

In normal doses, Vitamin C is reported the strengthen the immune system. In ​larger doses, it can help act as an antiviral drug. So, yes, eat your fresh fruits that are high in Vitamin C, but don't hesitate in supplementing as well. Just choose a quality supplement.

​As for Vitamin D, most of us are already deficient as we spend most of our times in doors. You body does manufacture Vitamin D when exposed to the sun, but you need to be out for 15 minutes or more a day with as much skin exposed as possible and without sunscreen for the body to work correctly. Of course, skin tone and genetic predispositions will cause that to vary. Do you ever wonder why we have a higher reporting on colds and the flu variations when the sunlight is at it's lowest?

Our recommendations:

​The dosages you need for YOU will vary. And your requirements may (and probably will) be different that other members of your family. The beautiful thing about vitamins, your body will simply flush what it does not need/use. As always, check with your medical professional before making any changes in your routine.

Research Notes:

(1) https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/04/07/coronavirus-treatment.aspx?cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20200407Z1&et_cid=DM501456&et_rid=845966633

​**Medical Disclaimer: Do not make changes to your medications without a discussion with your own personal doctor first. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information provided is for informational purposes only, and not to substitute for, or justify ignoring, or disregarding your health care professional's advice.**


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