June 4

Hormonal Brain Fog

Are you feeling hormonal brain fog? We classify hormonal brain fog when you feel tired, lethargic, forgetful or just out of it and know your hormones have something to do with it.

Here are 5 helpful tips to reduce hormonal brain fog.

  1. Take your supplements – your multi vitamin and fish oil are key! Check out: USANA or Titan Nutrition.
  2. Practice stress management yoga, breathing exercises, meditation, journaling, or other activities that support mindfulness and reduce cortisol. Lowering cortisol will help to decrease hormonal brain fog associated with elevating or decreasing estrogen/progesterone levels.
  3. Move your body. Movement is medicine. Not feeling like you have the energy…look up at #2. Yoga and stretching are movement and can be very beneficial on the days where your body says – I need an easier day.
  4. Get good-quality sleep. Deep, restful sleep gives your body and mind (and hormones!) time to recharge and reset for the next day.
  5. Eat a plant-rich diet. We are huge promoters of eating at least 30 different kinds of fruits and veggies each week. Want more benefits – add in good fats. Not sure how or were to start – do a complimentary call with us!


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