January 27

Losing Weight is SIMPLE

Losing weight is simple, but getting your mindset ready to lose weight is hard!

My coach, yep, even coaches have coaches told me this week that doing anything is:

20% tactics and 80% mindset

Losing weight isn’t about the tactics, it’s about the mindset.

Mel Robbins says in her 5 Second Rule book “What you need to do is simple.  I didn’t say it would be easy.  I promise you it will be worth it.  Exercise and health comes down to one simple rule.  You don’t have to feel like it, you just have to do it.”

The truth is, any program will help you lose weight.  You know how I know this, because all the best programs have testimonials that showcase how their product or program works.  The science of losing weight is really simple. 

Weight loss happens:

  1. When you eat less calories than you consume
  2. If you work-out and burn more calories than you eat
  3. When you balance your hormones allowing the body to let go

It really is that simple.  The HARD part is getting your mindset around doing the 3 things above and creating a habit around them.

Why we fail...

We have emotions tied to food from our past and our present.  Food is supposed to be the nourishment of our body, the fuel we need to survive.  It isn’t anymore.  Food is our comfort, our release from boredom, and the fun thing we look forward to on the weekend.

Habits create change...

Our why has to be great enough to propel us to do the simple.  Our why for losing weight has to be so great that we create habits.  These habits look like:

  • Removing our weekly dessert and only enjoying it on the weekend
  • Replacing our bread with whole food like rice, beans and potatoes
  • Putting on our workout clothes before we are done working, or first thing in the morning, so our workout happens

What one habit can you create that will allow the simplicity of weight loss to happen?  Can you give up one thing this week, and another next week? 

Need help? 

Have a chat with us, get our weekly emails, and follow us on social (@staciadkelly @corrymatthews).  Stacia and I are always sharing the #mindset tips you need, to do the simple task of losing weight.  We can’t wait to see you succeed!!!


losing weight, mindset, weight loss

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Ready to Finally Lose the Weight and Keep if Off?  Check out our Signature Program!