March 7

Poor Sleep and Hormone Balance

Poor sleep can have a significant impact on hormone balance in the body. Hormones are responsible for regulating many bodily functions, including sleep, metabolism, and mood. Sleep deprivation or poor sleep quality can disrupt the normal production and release of hormones, leading to imbalances that can affect overall health and well-being.

Sleep and Cortisol

One hormone that is particularly affected by poor sleep is cortisol, also known as the "stress hormone." Cortisol is released in response to stress, and its levels typically rise in the morning to help wake up the body and get it ready for the day. However, chronic sleep deprivation or poor sleep quality can lead to chronically elevated cortisol levels, which can have negative effects on metabolism, immune function, and mental health. And for women, this can lead to significant weight gain around our mid-section where are cortisol receptors are highest.

Sleeps Effect On Your Metabolism Hormones

Growth Hormone & Testosterone

Poor sleep can also disrupt the production of other hormones, such as growth hormone and testosterone. Growth hormone is important for tissue repair and muscle growth, and testosterone is essential for male and female reproductive health, as well as bone and muscle health.

Ghrelin & Leptin

Additionally, poor sleep can affect levels of the hormones that regulate hunger and appetite, such as ghrelin and leptin. When these hormones are disrupted, people may feel more hungry and have cravings for high-calorie foods, which can lead to weight gain and other health problems.

3-2-1 Rule for Better Sleep

3 Hours Before Bed

Have your last meal / snack at least 3 hours before sleeping.  This allows the body time to digest and bring your resting heard rate down.

2 Hours Before Bed

Put your work to bed!  That's right - do not disturb goes on, and the phone / laptop goes to bed as well. 

Ideally NOT in your bedroom.

1 Hour Before Bed

Bye, bye screens! 

The blue light from these devices does not help you lower your cortisol levels. 

We know for many of you who are super busy all day long, the only time you might get a little tv or book reading (from your Kindle) are right before bed.  If this is the case, PLEASE wear blue light blocking glasses!  You can easily find a reasonably priced pair on Amazon.

Overall, poor sleep can have a significant impact on hormone balance in the body, which can affect many aspects of health and well-being. It is important to prioritize good sleep habits to support optimal hormone function and overall health.


hormone balance, sleep

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