November 19

Pre/Postnatal Workout

This is a great 3 day program for newly pregnant moms and those just recently cleared by their doctor postpartum. If you can, add 30 minutes of walking 3-4 times per week in addition to the weighted workouts.  The best thing about these workouts – they can be done in your home or at a gym. Feeling like you’ve got a little more energy, repeat your favorite day 1 more time. (and for ab workout, be sure to check out our prenatal and postnatal abs).

Day #1 Lower Body

  • Squats with light dumbbells 4 x 20
  • Walking lunges 4 x 15 each leg
  • Side to side squats (if you have a thigh band – use it) 4 x 10 each way
  • Glute bridges 4 x 15
  • Regular crunches 3 x 20
    • Reverse crunches 3 x 20

Day #2 Upper Body 1 “Push”

  • Push-ups on Knees or Feet 4 x 10
    • Superset 4 x 10 Crunches
  • Lying on back chest press with dumbbells 3 x 15 or use machine
    • Superset 4 x 15 Side to Side crunches
  • Lying on back triceps dumbbell extensions 3 x 12
    • Superset 4 x 12 Leg lowering for lower abs
  • Triceps kickbacks 3 x 10

Day #3 Upper Body 2 “Pull”

  • One arm rows 4 x 12
    • Superset 4 x 30 seconds plank hold
  • Lat pulldown 4 x 12
    • Superset On the Ball crunches 4 x 15
  • Dumbbell curls with palms up 4 x 10
  • Dumbbell curls with palms facing in 4 x 10



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