August 31

Pumpkin and Sweet Potatoes

Which should you choose?  The pumpkin or the sweet potato (yam).

It’s chilly in the air and you feel cold.  You know that fall is coming soon. Your body is craving something comforting to make you feel all warm and fuzzy! For most of us, we turn to something that’s full of carbs, creams, butter and oh-so full of calories! However, good ol’ comfort foods don’t have to destroy your waistline (even though we know it is under wraps for the next few months) or your calorie budget for the day, thanks to two very yummy and very healthy ingredients. Say hello to the pumpkin and the sweet potato!

OK, we know what you’re thinking: these two foods are purees that we add sugar, butter, whipping cream, marshmallows and pie crust to! Well, think again!


This fruit is one of the most nutritious fruits available. Not only is it low in fat and calories, but it’s also high in fiber. Pumpkins’ disease and anti-aging properties are mighty impressive, too! The powerful anti-oxidants vitamin A, C and E found in pumpkin help to protect the cell membranes within the body, maintain the integrity of the skin and protect against lung and oral cavity cancers. Vitamin C also plays a vital role in bone and tooth formation, digestion and blood cell formation.

The alpha-carotene and beta-carotene promote healthy vision, ensure proper immune function and may also reverse skin damage caused by the sun. The carotenoids further boost immunity and lessen the risk of heart disease. These facts lead many physicians and dietitians to recommend pumpkin to their patients with cholesterol issues. If that isn’t enough, pumpkin is also rich in minerals like copper, calcium, potassium and phosphorus.


Pumpkins may not be as easy to find year round, unless in a can, but sweet potatoes are! Like its partner, pumpkin, sweet potatoes are loaded with nutrients. Similar to pumpkin, the sweet potato is high in carotenoids and vitamins B, C and E.

Additionally, sweet potatoes are high in vitamin D, iron and magnesium. Vitamin D, traditionally known as the “sun” vitamin, is responsible for our energy levels, building healthy bones, nerves, blood vessels, skin and teeth. It is critical to consume this vitamin during the colder months of the year when we spend less time outside in the sun.


Ounce per ounce, there are quite a few differences between pumpkins and sweet potatoes, and these key factors are what will make you choose one vs. the other when it comes to cooking! Sweet potatoes are naturally sweet and have nine times as much sugar per cup, as well as five times more calories than pumpkin however, they are also higher in fiber, potassium, vitamins A and C, iron and calcium.

Pumpkin, although not as sweet, is clearly the “low-carb” option. The most important choice for many will be taste! We’ve found that adding a little extra pumpkin pie spice to mix to either will help…and not add any additional calories.

Check out these recipes:

Pumpkin Chili

Pumpkin Pancakes


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