September 9


Self-talk is the KEY to living a happy life, so are self-image and your thoughts. No matter where you are in your journey, with fitness, weight loss, your career, it’s ok!  This is a journey and no one thing in our lives is ever going to be perfect, all the time. The key to living your best life is in how you talk to yourself.

Recently I was having a really hard time with social media.  I would see a post and it would send me spiraling.  How so – feeling like what I am doing isn’t good enough.  Or that someone else will always be better.  I know many look at where I’ve gotten with my career and think, how can she feel that way.  I can also find 10 faults at any given time with my fitness and how I look…and for most all of us this is normal.  The key here, we ALL do it.  No matter how you see someone, they always see themselves differently.

Constantly comparing myself to others is something that I have delt with for years, and it literally drains the life out of me, and at time, those around me too.  Over the past couple weeks, I’ve been focusing on ways to move through this, to change this and these are the tools that worked for me, so I wanted to share them with you. I always remembered My Why!


The things we say to ourselves can be downright cruel.  When something goes through my head, I stop and think, would I say this to my best friend, or my daughter?  Heck no…then why is it ok to say it to me.  How we talk to ourselves is critical to how we feel.  So instead I am now encouraging myself and reciting what I am grateful for.  I also am reminded of the saying “Kill them with kindness”, and how I need to remember that with myself!


We are so hard on our bodies.  Our beautiful bodies really take a beating.  Next time you find yourself in the mirror saying “Ugh, I can’t stand” STOP and say 3 positive things about what you see.  Challenge – look yourself in the eyes and say it.  And really mean it!  Everyone has at least 3 things they can be grateful for!


Ya, ya, ya, you’ve heard it before – thoughts become things.  This goes right along with self-talk and self-image.  What you chose to think about constantly shapes your day, your thoughts and even your health.  We love positive affirmations for affecting change, ever heard of “The Secret.”  Feeling the need for some motivation to change how you are thinking about everything – you can watch it, read it or listen to it!

Be sure to reach out to those you love and trust.  Let them know where you are struggling…and  a powerful lesson I learned from Stacia…when you reach out it can go one of two ways.


“I don’t need your help fixing this or offering a solution, I just need you to listen”.


“I need your help finding a solution”.

Always remember, your self talk is critical for growth and happiness, make it kind!


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