February 29

Somatic Exercise: Movement Therapy

Somatic exercise refers to a type of movement therapy that focuses on enhancing body awareness, releasing muscular tension, and improving overall movement patterns through mindful, controlled movements.

The term “somatic” originates from the Greek word “soma,” which means the living body in its wholeness, including its physiological, psychological, and emotional dimensions. Somatic exercises aim to reconnect individuals with their bodies, promoting a deeper understanding of how they move and inhabit space.

History of Somatic Exercise:

Somatic exercises have roots in various movement practices and therapeutic modalities, including yoga, Feldenkrais Method, Alexander Technique, and Hanna Somatics.

  1. Feldenkrais Method: Developed by Moshe Feldenkrais in the mid-20th century, the Feldenkrais Method emphasizes gentle, exploratory movements to improve awareness and function.
  2. Alexander Technique: Created by F. Matthias Alexander in the late 19th century, the Alexander Technique focuses on improving posture and movement efficiency through heightened sensory awareness.
  3. Hanna Somatics: Developed by Thomas Hanna in the late 20th century, Hanna Somatics emphasizes the role of sensory-motor learning in releasing chronic muscular tension and restoring functional movement patterns.

These approaches share a common emphasis on the mind-body connection, sensory awareness, and experiential learning as keys to improving movement and well-being.

Benefits of Somatic Exercise

Somatic wellness has garnered attention in recent years, particularly among busy women seeking to prioritize their health amidst the demands of career and family life.

  • Mind-Body Harmony: Somatic exercises underscore the vital connection between mind and body in fostering overall well-being. This integrated approach appeals to individuals seeking holistic methods to enhance both physical and mental health, aligning with the desire for balance in busy lives.
  • Stress Alleviation: Stress is a common challenge for busy women, impacting both physical and emotional health. Somatic exercises offer effective stress management tools through relaxation techniques, breath awareness, and mindfulness practices. By cultivating a sense of calm and presence, these exercises help mitigate the negative effects of stress on the body and mind.
  • Gentle Movement for All: Somatic exercises prioritize gentle, low-impact movements that accommodate individuals of varying fitness levels and physical conditions. This inclusivity makes somatic practices accessible and appealing to women seeking effective workouts without risking injury or exacerbating existing health issues.
  • Cultivating Body Awareness: Somatic exercises promote a deeper sense of body awareness and acceptance, fostering a compassionate relationship with one’s physical self. By encouraging non-judgmental observation and self-care, these practices empower women to embrace their bodies as they are, without comparison or criticism.
  • Enhancing Everyday Functionality: Somatic exercises focus on functional movement patterns that enhance daily activities and overall physical function. This practical approach resonates with busy women seeking to optimize their quality of life and maintain independence as they navigate the myriad responsibilities of work, family, and personal well-being.

Bonus: Somatic Exercise Guide

As a gift from Strength & Grace, download our Somatic Exercise Guide [here]. It contains two somatic progressions, and an example workout week incorporating somatic exercise, weight training and walking.

Looking for a bonus to combine with your Somatic Exercises? Try our Walking Meditation: Mindfulness in Movement or Our Beginner’s Guide to Meditation


mind body, somatic exercse

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