March 24

What Now?

It’s tempting, so tempting to let our current situation lead you to unhealthy food choices because your sad, bored, annoyed and even angry by everything that is going on.  And, not only do we want to grab sugar and salt we also turn to alcohol.  Unfortunately, since we are also stuck at home, our activities are lessened…and all of this can lead to weight gain that we aren’t going to want to do deal with once this difficult time passes.  So here are a few tips from us on managing being “STUCK”.

Get Creative:

Now is the time to bring back out those old workout DVD’s, or find an online workout that you’ve wanted to try but haven’t.  Let’s be honest, both Stacia and I have been doing some app driven workouts, because why?  Well, it’s nice to have someone guide you through the workout, push you and make you work harder. And while we are sharing lots of free workouts, we are still here if you’d like to take advantage of your time at home and work on your goals.  It can still be done with a few dumbbells and walk or run outside.  It really boils down to just doing the work.

You can also get creative with food.  Almost everyone I have talked to has more time.  If you kids are like mine, they have less work, less homework and NO after school activities so we have more time.  My work schedule, although I’ve almost always worked from home has time built into it.  So, we can make up new recipes, cook our favorites and vary them based on what we can actually get our hands on.  These are the moments you will look back on with your family when you think of Covid19.

Don’t Give Up on YOU!

Your goals matter and where you end up when this is all over…and yep, I have to remind myself, sometimes multiple times a day that this will be over, you are going to want to be in a better place than when we started or at the very least the same spot.  So, pick a few goals…they don’t have to be health related – they can be spring cleaning the house, making room for a project or starting a project you keep putting off.  Staying home doesn’t have to suck.

And a couple other tips…

Sick of cooking – order out!  While many think of ordering out only as a cheat/treat meal, it doesn’t have to be.  Choose healthy proteins, steamed/grilled veggies and healthy carbohydrates.  Grab you food and if you can, find somewhere outside to sit and enjoy for a moment.  Or bring the food home and make it a special, I found more time in my day, evening.

And if you are feeling extra ambitious, now is the perfect time to try our 21 Day Detox…because you can’t find bread or pasta anyway!!!

We’re always here and always ready to listen.  Join us weekly for our Coffee Breaks on Friday or get a little extra inspiration with our Saturday Webinar’s geared at Extreme Health and Fitness – for our competitors.  There is a little something for everyone. Check out all our private groups and our Facebook pages. Everything is in our Weekly Dose of Strength & Grace.


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