June 22


Are you feeling so overwhelmed by all the information about what you should do with your diet and workouts that you are feeling a bit of whiplash? As someone with over 20 years in the wellness industry I 1000% get where you are coming from. Even setting out to do research on my own “ailments”, with all my own personal knowledge, years of schooling, degrees and certifications, I am overwhelmed and feel like one step forward sometimes equals a smack backwards. So how does one avoid the constant feeling of whiplash? Here are a few tips that aren’t going anywhere!


Moving your body WILL ALWAYS be good for it! Research shows that even when one is injured, movement will help the healing process. My advice to avoid feeling for preventing breakdown – do what you love! Find movement that feeds your soul, your mind and your life! If it is heavy lifting, HIIT, or yoga – just do it! Feeling sore or injured – the tried and true always seems to work RICE – rest, ice, compression and elevation.


Its literally what our body is made up of. We need water to survive, we can’t live more than 3 days without it. So drink it! Where does the whiplash come in – how much we should be drinking. Given all the research – get anywhere from half your body weight in ounces to 1 gallon. Feel thirsty, or have yellow urine, drink more. Water sloshing or too much peeing, drink a bit less. The universal yes – drink water!


Yes, yes, and more yes! Our body needs vitamins and minerals to keep all the functions in our body working properly. The confusion comes from where to get these. I’ve never met a doctor, scientist or profession in all my life say that veggies are bad for you. Sure, there is confusion around how many but the general consensus – EAT THEM!


Ah – this is where serious whiplash occurs! Should you fast, eat every 3 hours, only eat raw foods! There is SO MUCH information out there, and ultimately it comes down to what does your body respond to and give you the results that align with your goals! And yes, how you eat will probably change many different times through out your life based on where you are at. The key – customize it for you and remember one size absolutely does not fit all. Try, try and try again. Struggling to figure it out on your own – connect with a coach!

As Tony Robbins says “why live an ordinary life when you can live an extraordinary life”. Your health and wellness is paramount for living a long happy life. Invest in the time it takes to weed out all the noise and do what you feel is best for you! And if you aren’t there, and you need some help – we would love to chat with you!


fitness, HIIT, keto, vegan

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