August 23

Coffee by Corry

Looking for the coffee recipe - scroll all the way down!

Let’s chat coffee!  Do you feel as addicted to it as I was?  Is it the first thing you grab when you wake-up?  Do you stumble straight to the coffee pot; you can almost do it in the dark, grab the cup and ready, set, go.  Or maybe you have it all set up the night before you go to bed, and it is waiting for you in the morning.  Lets take a look at the benefits, side effects, and how what you are putting in it could be hurting more than helping!


  • Coffee actually has massive amounts of antioxidants – awesome!
  • It can increase mood by blocking an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain, which leads to a stimulant effect and can improve energy levels and several brain functions
  • Caffeine is found in almost all commercial fat burners because it is one of the only natural substances to scientifically improve fat loss.
  • Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, which may signal fat cells to break down fat.
  • Coffee contains several important nutrients, including Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5), Manganese, Potassium, Magnesium and Niacin (Vitamin B3)
  • Several studies show that coffee drinkers have a lower risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes and Parkinson’s disease.

And if you would like additional reasons why coffee is beneficial – see 7 reasons to drink it.

Why to pause your habit (eeek addiction)...

Now for many of us, we are jumping for joy, thinking our daily cup of coffee (ok, maybe 3-4 cups) are good for us.  But there are several things to also consider:

  • Dependency on caffeine
  • The type you are consuming
  • And - What you’re adding into it

One of the #1 reasons I did the hormone reset is because I knew I was addicted to caffeine.  It is also one of the main the reasons I almost didn’t do the reset.  BUT, drinking too much caffeine has been shown to directly – negatively impact cortisol levels.  Science indicates that individuals with higher cortisol levels tend to hold more fat in their mid-section

So, if you can’t live without your coffee, it might be an indication that you need a break (notice I didn't say break up with it), and one of our solutions  might be just the perfect fit.

The biggest way to negate all the benefits of your morning cup of Joe - load it with sugar, processed fake sugar and dairy!

Why do we want to avoid excess sugar, fake sugar and dairy?

  • Science has shown that both sugar and sugar substitutes spike your insulin and ultimately cause the body to store excess fat. When this process goes on for too long you become insulin resistant which can lead to pre-diabetes and diabetes.
  • Can you really pronounce all those ingredients on your sugar-free coffee creamer?  Do you know what they are made of?  And the bad part, they may still have the exact same effect as real sugar on your body (see above).
  • As for your half and half, it still comes from a cow. We are the only species that continues to drink milk after we are weaned as a baby, and we aren’t drinking human milk, but the milk of very large animals.
  • For some, dairy can lead to acne, weight gain, upset stomach, and thyroid issues. Dairy may also lead to allergies and contain unwanted amounts of growth hormone, antibiotics and steroids (so if you still choose dairy, be sure it is organic).

So what should we be including in our coffee?

Ideally, lets drink it black.  I saw your frown through the internet, for many of us, that isn’t going to work.  Look for alternative milk options; nut milks and coconut milk are great options.  Watch for added sugar in these and choose unsweetened or regular which has a small amount of real sugar.  Always opt for organic when you can! 

Organic goes for your coffee too.  Non-organic coffee contains some of the highest levels of pesticide and mold (ewwww).  Conventional coffee also loses many of the benefits listed above and has significantly less vitamins.

Simply put – coffee can be a great addition to your overall health and performance, or it can be a dessert.  Making a few changes can allow you to reap all the benefits and forgo the negative ones.


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