September 10

Easy and Tasty Brussels

These are simply the best. If you’d like to pair them with the steak in the picture – that is the Super Simple Flank

Easy and Tasty Brussels

Course: Appetizer, Side Dish, vegetables
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Brussels with little to no fuss
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  • Microwave or Steamer
  • Skillet


  • 10 oz Brussel Sprouts best if they are shaved
  • 1 Tbsp Gluten Free Soy Sauce
  • 2 Tbsp Avocado Oil Spray
  • 1-2 Tbsp Minced Fresh Garlic


  • Add 2 Tbsp of Avocado Oil to large skillet
  • Once oil is heated add in brussel sprouts
  • After roasted for about 10 min add in garlic and gluten free soy sauce, continue to cook until your preferred color.
  • Serve!


These might just have become my new favorite veggie, and it is all because of this way of cooking them.  So simple and easy.


dairy free, detox approved, gluten free, grain free, keto, sugar free, vegan

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