December 9

Fitness on the GO

We get it – the holidays are stressful.  And with all the running around, school /work events and the endless social events its hard to squeeze in a healthy breakfast, and sometimes, just the running around to put said healthy breakfast together is our workout. 

Well, we wanted to give you a few super simple, fast and easy workouts that you can get done in about 15 minutes…OR, longer if you have more time.  The best thing here…you simply need a pair or dumbbells or a band and your tennis shoes.

Travel Workout – just need a band or pair of DB’s, 4 days worth.


3 x 15 Walking lunges

3 x 15 Forward lunges

3 x 15 Backward lunges

3 x 15 Curtsey lunges

3 x 15 Air squats


3 x 15 Overhead press with band (or use DB)

3 x 15 Lateral raise with band (or use DB)

3 x 15 Front raise with band (or use DB)

3 x 15 Bent over reverse lateral with band (or use DB)


3 x 15 Lat pulldowns *kneel and use attachment to door (do one arm DB row)

3 x 15 Band rows (use attachment to door or band around feet) – (hold arms together and to deadlift row)

3 x 15 Hammer curls with band (or use DB)

3 x 15 Regular curls with band (or use DB)


3 x 15 Pushups

3 x 15 Band presses (see directions with bands) (or lie on back and use DB)

3 x 15 Chair dips

3 x 15 Overhead band extensions (or use DB)

Two days travel workout…


3 x 15 Walking lunges

            Superset 3 x 15 Overhead press with band (or use DB)

3 x 15 Forward lunges

Superset 3 x 15 Lateral raise with band (or use DB)

3 x 15 Backward lunges

Superset 3 x 15 Bent over reverse lateral with band (or use DB)


3 x 15 Lat pulldowns *kneel and use attachment to door (one arm DB row)

            Superset 3 x 15 pushups

3 x 15 Band rows (use attachment to door or band around feet) (DB deadlift)

Superset 3 x 15 Chair dips

3 x 15 Pushups

            Superset 3 x 15 Curls with bands (or use DB) Make any of the above a full workout by adding in 3 sets of 15 crunches, 15 reverse crunches, 30 bicycle crunches and a power walk.


fitness, travel

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