May 13

Stay Lean Cocktails

On a diet?  Following a nutrition plan?  Cocktails and alcohol don’t have to be completely off limits – just make them lean cocktails. Use our tips – and we promise you won’t even know the difference.

Did you know Tonic water is full of sugar?  Nope, I didn’t either until I started putting together a list of the best alcoholic beverages / cocktails for our clients. 

The biggest problem with alcohol and getting lean is everything added to the alcohol.  The biggest culprits: fruit juice, sugar, soda and simple syrup.

Simple Swaps:

  1. Skinny Vodka Soda – This is hands down our best tasting and most recommended drink.  1-2oz of Vodka mixed with Spindrift (there are so many different flavors to choose from) and a squeeze of fresh lime.  Bonus – you can even add a few berries. Check out this guide provided by Sprindrift.
  2. Margarita alternative – Tequila with a squeeze of fresh lime juice.  Key – ensure that the lime is really ripe, this will make it sweater.
  3. Skinny Mojito – use a light rum, replace the syrup with monk fruit or stevia, use sparkling water (not tonic water) and lots of mint.
  4. On the rocks – skip all the additives and simply drink your alcohol with ice.
  5. Wine – yes, you can still have this, but remember its 1-2 servings, 5 oz., not the whole bottle.  Opt for organic, clean crafted wine.  Need suggestions – ask us!

Adding lean cocktails into your nutrition plan:

When planning to drink, skip the carbs in the meal you are drinking it with!  Remember that alcohol is processed in the liver and it is a sugar, so you don’t need to add any additional carbs.  Alcohol pairs perfectly with a lean protein (fish, steak, chicken) and a plate full of veggies!  Do this and your waist and your social life will thank you!


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