February 23

Summer Legs…

Summer Legs? Yes please…sign me up! You know this is you, every summer when the shorts come out, you think…will they still fit? This lunge, lunge, and more lunge workout will have your legs ready for summer and keep them toned all summer long.

We are warning you – Sitting down might be a little hard the day after this workout.

Do the reps x sets; and if you need to modify please do (do without weights or a smaller range of motion). We only recommend doing this workout once per week 🙂

3 x 15 Regular Stationary Lunge

3 x 15 Front Stepping Lunge

3 x 15 Back Stepping Lunge

3 x 15 Walking lunge

3 x 15 Walking Pump lunge (step lunge, pulse into lunge then step into next lunge)

3 x 10 Curtsey Lunges

Finish with 3 x 15 leg extensions superset with 3 x 15 leg curls (haven’t got a gym…instead do 3 x 15 Sumo Squats superset with 3 x 15 Straight Leg DB deadlift

Got the workouts down but need a little help with your nutrition – let’s chat! So many options to choose from! Choose Fitness/Nutrition Consult, and you can check out all our programs here!


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