Finding your Why! The key to changing anything in life is determining why you want to change it! Unfortunately, when that WHY isn’t big enough, you will make excuse after excuse and never reach your goal. Trust me, I know!
Who I am…
I am a fitness/nutrition expert and a retired pro athlete. I know what it means to be healthy, to eat right, and to exercise, so why wasn’t I doing it? I literally was telling people every day what do do with their life to make the necessary changes but I wasn’t doing it! My why had gotten buried so deep, I didn’t really even know what it was.
Our Big Move
My husband grew up in California, so in 2017, we packed everything up in Virginia and moved across the country. I left what felt like everything behind, all my friends, all my connections, and my businesses.
In a new place, I found it hard to introduce myself to others. I wasn’t happy about how I looked. My workouts were subpar and my nutrition was more for comfort than fuel. I was depressed, anxious and angry. I knew what I needed to do to make changes, but I was living by my excuses. My biggest excuse – It’s not the right time for me and I have other more important stuff to focus on. My confidence didn’t even exist.
Enter Mel Robbins! My husband helped me find her; thought she might be someone I would enjoy listening too. After reading her 5 Second Rule Book (ok, I can’t sit down long enough to actually read any book – I listened to it), I was all in for anything.
Then came, Kick Ass, Mel Robbins new book and the story with Jessie that hit me like 1000 bricks. When Mel called out Jessie for being a hypocrite because she was unfit and the owner of a health and wellness business, it was like Mel was talking directly to me. I felt it in my bones and knew, I had to become by best success story. I needed to become one of my own clients. Little did I know at the time…I was walking into the beginning of early onset of peri-menopause.
What Changed
In June 2019 Stacia mentioned a hormone reset and I was all in. I even stuck it out, when I learned I would have to give up my coffee for 11 days. You don’t really know me, if you don’t know how much I love my cup of coffee(s).

My results
- I’m not depressed
- My anxiety is severely down
- My anger at myself is gone
- I am not constantly hungry
- Foods aren’t off limits
- I lost 25 pounds of fat
- Gained 5 pounds of healthy muscle
- Dropped from a 10 to a 2/4 in clothes
- Blood pressure went from 120/80 to 100/70
- Hormones went from “normal” to optimal
- My veins don’t hurt anymore (yes – varicose veins are awful and I’ve had them since High School)
- Arthritis in my hips from years of fitness competitions isn’t debilitating
- I lived up to my why!
So – What is my WHY?
My why is to always feeling comfortable in a bathing suit and shorts! Sounds simple or silly right? Maybe even a little shallow. But when I cut it all the way down to the bare bones…it hits right to the core. I live in gorgeous sunny Southern California and I was embarrassed to be seen in shorts and a bathing suit. Hello, I live in sunny Cali where it is practically shorts weather all year. I was missing out on being in the best moments with my kids and my husband. They were my ultimate why. I was avoiding pictures…because of my excuses. Little did I know just how important these changes would be as I walked through the next 10 years of my life! I was learning how to reset my hormones and make lifelong changes. And these changes are what helped me, get ME back. It was also the beginning of what became our Hormone Solution that helped Stacia lose over 65 pounds.
If you want to chat about your goals…I want to listen! I don’t want to hear another woman miss out on her life because her weight isn’t where she feels amazing! I’m here, my door is open and I would love to chat with you! Get Started [HERE]