January 27

Butter Alternatives

While for most people, butter is ok, there are a few (those that are allergic to dairy or want a vegan option) that the tiny bit of casein or lactose in it, still causes a problem. Here we share a few replacement options or alternatives, and the things to watch out for when swapping. Remember, butter makes cookies and cakes light and airy and gives then their texture along with the rich flavor. Without butter, some baked goods might end up flat, dry and lacking in flavor.

Ghee – Clarified Butter

Ghee is clarified butter and provides a slightly nutty taste. What is it clarified of – casein and lactose and is an approved fat for popular diets like Keto, Paleo and Whole30. Use it as a 1:1 ratio / replacement for butter. The beauty of ghee, it can be cooked with at high temperatures and will not become rancid.

Ghee provides more moisture to your recipe than traditional butter, so some trial and error may need to occur with your liquid and flour measurements in your recipe.

In baked goods for which a strong, buttery flavor is desirable, it can replace butter at a 1:1 ratio. It’s an easy swap for our cookies!

And just like butter, ghee will be solid at room temperature and melt easily when heated.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil can also replace butter in baking at a 1:1 ratio, though it may slightly change the flavor. When you want as little coconut flavor as possible, used refined coconut oil. This is the perfect butter substitute for making a recipe vegetarian or vegan.

And just like butter, coconut oil will be solid at room temperature and melt easily when heated.

Olive oil

I caution you with olive oil, for the main reason that it is always liquid, unlike ghee or coconut oil. When swapping it for butter, use a 3:4 ratio by volume.

For example, if the recipe calls for 1 cup of butter, you can replace it with 3/4 cups of olive oil. Only use olive oil when ghee or coconut oil are not an option.

Got an option you like? Share it with us!


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